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    Comparing new with used will always, always be a silly thing to do

    They’re taking a leaf our of Trek bikes’ book. They have the Madone, the Emonda and the Domane.

    I’m quite an advanced fitness person, but I started using the Peloton app free trial. The HIIT classes and strength work in there is really quite impressive and properly challenging, considering how short some of the sessions are.

    The implementation of the hidden blade bugs me here though. Wearing it on the outside of the wrist undermines the whole ‘hidden’ aspect of it. It was also supposed to be controlled by a string attached to a finger, which seems unlikely if it’s on the back of the hand.

    This is the sort of training MotoGP riders do (in isolation).

    I will not hear a bad word against Tomorrow Never Dies, thank you very much. That had an interesting premise and a semi-believable villain with an awesome stealth boat. Also, the RC car chase was cool.

    For the same price you could get:

    41 - Why, if you’re in such a rush, do you walk so damn slowly when you get off the plane?

    For additional context, the stories were sold to The Sun, which is absolutely despised by anyone from Liverpool for its role in turning the victims of a football tragedy, where 96 people were crushed to death in a stand, into the villains of the piece. Even after the Sun’s story was proven to be false, they never

    So, is this going to be canonically the same DB5 Bond has always had? Because that’s messy.

    That’s so clearly a budgetary issue, rather than a choice. The terrible V8 dubbing over the top of some of the adverts gives that away.

    This might seem controversial, but in The Matrix, Niobe picks the wrong car.

    I would be boring and say the Ferrari F2004 or Mclaren MP4/4, but both of those cars require a level of talent and bravery that I will never posses.

    Tories are joining the Lib Dems, but not Brexiteer Tories, come on now.

    The Lib Dems might not be the best thing out there, but right now they’re the most realistic option we have. They actually have a clear position on Brexit - remain in the EU and could actually steal votes from the Conservatives.

    Association football was essentially founded and codified by the English in the mid 1800s. That’s what they mean when they say ‘football is coming home’.

    Serious question America. Do you get the special Stand up to Cancer editions of GBBO? If not, you’re missing out big time.

    Tim Westwood is famous for being a late middle-age man from a relatively privileged background in rural East Anglia, who has this apparently not ironic inner-city London gangsta persona.

    Considering most older people’s approach to cars, I’m surprised it wasn’t a Mk1 Defender.

    British driver for a team based in Britain, with two Austrian team principles, a British chief engineer, a predominantly British staff and a British engine factory.