
Yep! I was ready to throw my old Droid through a window til I put Holo on it.

Now you know how all artists feel.

Talk about a "burst" of flavor!

You are making my point for me.

So far!

Yeoman Randy! How's it hangin', man?

I did too, and now I totally prefer whole grains, etc., the problem (particularly for some folks) is that the protein gluten (big in wheat) can act as an irritant to the GI tract. The Paleo perspective on grains is that they are a later addition to the human pantry, and thus we are not as adapted to digest and use

Correct. Your body doesn't NEED it. Table sugar didn't exist until we made it. Your body makes glucose out of stuff you eat. Fructose was always there ready to be eaten. You CAN eat table sugar, and you can even metabolize it, but you don't NEED it.

And I am refuting that assumption, as it may be an obstacle to the curious. For no additional cost, a person can adopt a good portion of the Paleo/Primal eating style. Some of the proponents of Paleo go so far as to say the 80/20 principle applies. You don't have to do everything right all the time. You can eat

Well I didn't say it was toxic, but anything is toxic in the right amounts, even oxygen. Table sugar (sucrose) is not something anyone evolved to like, crave, or utilize. Fructose is.

That's cool, you think what you like, and I'll think what I like. I don't mind using philosophy when it suits my purposes. This Paleo/Primal/Caveman/whatever eating style is improving my quality of life so far, which is anecdotal yes, but since I only really care if it helps me, not that you approve or understand

They most certainly do. I for one am rather angry at what my parents were taught and their parents, etc in addition to what I learned growing up, when so much of it seems to have been based on whatever was best for agribusiness, not health.

You're awful quick to cry "logic fallacy" when you toss out the old "vaccine = autism" slippery slope argument. People eating what they evolved to eat? What's next? Cannibalism?!

Seconded. Just drop as much wheat and added sugar as you can and you will be amazed at the difference. I have only being doing it for 3 weeks and it's like a fog has lifted from my mind. I am not tired and bloated and unfocused after every meal now.

Exactly. And honestly, even if you can't afford the most strictly approved Paleo food, you can do much much better than the typical American diet without much additional cost.

There is a ton of science involved, even in the speculation. Science is, in fact, the reason behind the entire idea of Paleo/Caveman eating. There are studies yet to be done of course, just like with all science.

Your body requires glucose, which it makes from most of what you eat, including fructose. It does not require table sugar.

Ugh, so awful. They will never get over that. I mean, I doubt you ever really get over the death of your child, talk about ontological shock of him waking up and then dying again. Tell me you would not dream every night of him waking up in his coffin underground.

Well. It just earned it self a viewing. I still don't understand why it has to be "Arrow" instead of "Green Arrow" or "Starling City" instead of "Star City," but whatever. Worth a shot.

So we can have the shit bored out of us *twice*? No thanks.