
I googled Red Tube to see if I could get one for my VW. Couldn’t find car parts even after checking most of the site.

I was once hard up and bought a well worn but sound 1972 2002 for $800. Kakhi colour, the Sahara version with the bigger radiator. Which was a fair price in those days, probably 1981, it was the cheapest thing on the lot. The odometer- “I didn’t notice that, must have just happened”- was broken.

Years aren’t exactly SI, though, being an older system of telling time based on radians as opposed to a systematic definition of physical properties based on a common molecule and arbitrarily advancing in multiples of 10.

No brownies are the wrong brownies.

Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.

“Unlike conventional fission reactors, which produce large amounts of radioactive waste”

Interesting that this is exactly at seating level... and not anywhere near the fuel storage, baggage compartment, or other explodey things like the oxygen bottles or the fire suppression bottles (which would probably be armed with squibs). And if it was a rupture related to something like a window failure, there

PSI was wrong, low flying pelican caused me to swerve.

The nationality of the crew member should not be an issue.

Lol home invasion never or barely ever happens with a gun in the EU. Last instance in Belgium was 7 or 8 years ago. I live in a part of Belgium 15 mine way from France an area known for higher rates of burglary. Yet nobody has tried even tho I’ve got some valuable stuff in my garage and the only gun I own is a double

Or would it?

You’re right. The Land Cruiser and Tundra underbellies share share similarities, but they are not the same platforms. Fixed.

This isn’t on the Toyota Tundra platform. It’s a Land Cruiser. Toyota’s SUV on the Tundra platform is called the Sequoia.

Disclaimer: I am a software engineer for Google, but my area is nowhere near the cars bit.

It’s funny, I just got back from a supplier trip. They were telling me about their dealings with Google...how they wanted to go from no design to production on Control Arms in 6 months. How when they were told “that can’t be done” they said “well lets just print some instead.”

I’m a nuclear engineer, I work in the industry, and I live this every day. Is that enough? Jaczko IS anti nuclear. The new plants in the US were delayed in part because the NRC (reminder, under him) to issue the licenses to start construction. Now one can argue that that’s okay because they were doing some re

There is some very good news on that front. Many modern reactor designs are of the “waste annihilator” style, meaning that they can use waste from the currently-operating old-school reactors as fuel. Once they are finished with it, it will take a few hundred years to decay to harmless stable material. This is way

If we continue to extend the operating lives of the current reactors then it is likely we will have a disaster.

Coal power is far worse its dirty and burns uranium anyway. Then add all the toxic sludge and tailings ponds that are so expensive to handle and you can never ever get rid of because they have no half life even. Oh and there is the destroying orders of magnitude more land right now than nuclear power ever will.