
In fact, Trump has already demanded kudos for this event.

And the best Captain was Avery Brooks. Trek is better than most, ever since the beginning.

B I N G O.

He is trying pretty hard to start a war.

White House Needs to Convince U.S. That Trump’s First 100 Days Didn’t Suck

The New York Times is the national newspaper of record, so no matter how Trump tries to spin it mainstream history will immortalize it as a series of gaffes and fumbles by an inept, un-prepared and vengeful group of narcissists.

He’s a lying liar who lies.

Things Trump has failed at in the first 100 days:

The only thing that has helped me get through the first 100 days. Also, I’ve started drinking wine at dinner.

Re: Sean Spicer: “. . . There’s been a 12 percent gain on the stock market.”: this is, of course, yak dung. The S&P 500 closed at 2263.69 on 2017-Jan-19. The highest it has ever been since then is 2395.96 on 2017-Mar-01. That was 5.8% higher— and the market has fallen since.

Yeah, I happened to catch today’s edition of the Shameless and Shrill Sean Spicer Shit Shovelin’ Show, where said host stammered and stuttered his way through another hour of avoidance, lies, and hyperbole.

lol the biggest lie ever told.

As a wypipo who loves science fiction: What?

I mean, scifi is better than many other genres, but let’s look at some stuff:

4 out of 5 Star Trek captains: white.
Captain Tightpants: white male.
Star-Lord: white male.
Hero in Avatar: white male.
Guy that leads SG-1: white male.

I could go on and on. Sure, there is a huge range

I don’t get this. I mean, I’m a big sci-fi fan. Obviously in some series/movies issues of ethnicity aren’t part of the story. The Expanse does that really well; new group prejudices have overtaken skin color/ethnicity issues for the most part. But A. the Expanse still has a very diverse cast and explicitly works to

“Maybe next time she should just say simply enjoys being an alien in movies because it’s fun.”

I had my genetics tested (I’m adopted) to find out where my peeps came from. Highest percentage was Trinidad. Must go. They look like they’re having an amazing time!

Like most blonde white women that are thrown into situations that they clearly don’t belong in, she is there to distract you from the awfulness you’re swallowing.

First Daughter Consort

I still don’t get this Ivanka chick. She’s what, a Kardashian-type “business woman” who makes shoes nobody buys, and her dad wants to fuck her? Lord just burn this circus down