
Secretary was delightful. The story about how he shopped it around is amazing. “But you gotta fix the ending. When does she get out if it and into a normal relationship?” and he basically said “define normal sucker, this is fine for them it’s fine for me”

Well, that’s the thing now, isn’t it?

Like most blonde white women that are thrown into situations that they clearly don’t belong in, she is there to distract you from the awfulness you’re swallowing.

Don’t you watch Law & Order? This is sort of the Mob money handler who pays off politicians, etc.

“Handbag” “designer”

“Harpo...who dis woman?”

They don’t need to care what people think. They have nothing but contempt for those of us scraping by less than seven figures per year. The Republicans control the House and Senate, most state legislatures and the media. They can do what they want, and no one can stop them. I shudder to think how much damage they can

First Daughter Consort

I still don’t get this Ivanka chick. She’s what, a Kardashian-type “business woman” who makes shoes nobody buys, and her dad wants to fuck her? Lord just burn this circus down

Who’s the handbag designer? I thought she just steals other shoe designs and makes them ugly.


I believe that’s called “perverse”.

“Bag man” is the person who carries the bag [of money]. Picks up money, distributes money. Bribes, cash for laundering, etc.

I just think they don’t give a fuck, and they never have. This is what Trumps do. They troll the whole world. It’s how they think rich and powerful people are supposed to behave.

Well, Michael...er Ivanka, does need to be groomed to take over the family olive oil... er help trump with his presidential duties.

A bagman is a person designated to collect or distribute illicitly gained money, such as bribes to public officials or money that is collected in a criminal enterprise, such as a “protection racket” or in the running of a numbers racket. A bagman may also act as an intermediary in such transactions. “Bagman” is also a

She’s Kellyane’s understudy. OR is she her mentor...........

She will not be given a title. — She will likely have her fingers in every pie.

Great, another fraudulent Trump in the WH. Remember when she was “the voice of moderation”, the one person he’d listen to, the “sensible” one who’d rein in daddy’s worst tendencies? Yeah, about that...it was all fucking horseshit. She sits there doing a more subtle version of daddy’s act, always with the hands and the

I just went to her Twitter feed where some guy is talking about not wanting to pay for health care for the poor, and where does it say that he as a Christian is obligated to help the poor. So some dude shows him the receipts from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.