
Rick Scott is a opportunistic, lying piece of crap. No one employed by any governmental agency in Florida should support him in anything. EVER. I blame everyone who voted for him as well as those who voted for trump. They will use their office to help only their constituents (the extremely wealthy) and screw the rest

At least Versailles has style in it’s over the top extravagance. NOTHING of Trump’s does. Been there too.

No, not is, wants to be.. she doesn’t have the skill set or experience....

Donald is too stupid to be evil, Ivanka on the other hand......

That’s why Dorian Gray has that painting locked away..... just an fyi.....

Re: see Michael Clayton with George Clooney & Tilda Swinton.....

He should be excommunicated for that. Stupid chump takes advantage of public assistance to get where he’s at in life and like all the others, doesn’t want anyone else to get help too..... I hate people who profit from government assistance and/or charity and then want no one else to have any..... he’s a selfish

THANK YOU!!!!!!!! That puts it all in perspective....... usually Cooper is unflappable, but she would make me laugh at her ridiculous nonsense. They are SO far in denial about the reality of everything.....

NO. We DID NOT Vote for this clown. The electoral college did. Herr Drumpf lost the popular vote. We are NOT living in 1984. I refuse to acknowledge him as the rightful President of the United States.

Doubtful. They haven’t tampered with the first amendment yet, until then....... waiting for the lawsuits to begin.......

Actually, it’s Nuremberg Barbie........

Doctor Jones and Steve Rogers would like to have a few words with you.......

If that was what he really was, there would be NO republican opposition. Lex DOES NOT PLAY......

+2 for “blithering incompetents” and your screen name......awesome!

Preaching to the choir....... have the same thing at my job too...... although they aren’t shouting “trump!” at me anymore, so at least there’s that.......

Most wonderful dream last night........

Or you could just simply say ”human nature doesn’t change”. That would probably be a better closing argument.....

Lol, Nuremberg Barbie....... I am using you description from now on. I love it! All the stars for you!!!!

She’s Delores Umbridge without the wand or the cats...... sanctimoniously spreading her message of rhetorical bile...... pure subliminal evil

I agree that women are usually denigrated by the GOP unless they are in a position of power/wealth...... Alice Walton is worth $35+ billion, she definitely gets to sit near the head of the big boy table........ and is exceptional at being low profile...... make of that what you will......