
Well put. It’s akin to people wanting to become rappers and athletes in the late 80's - early 90's. At least back then, those required you put in the time and work. Now it’s been reality stars since then. Doesn’t require any real hard work or intellectual capacity. Just being in the right place at the right time to

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s his supporters and those that listened to Nuremberg Barbie and blindly voted for Drumpf that will ultimately pay the price.........

Or you could just simply say ”human nature doesn’t change”. That would probably be a better closing argument.....

Lol, Nuremberg Barbie....... I am using you description from now on. I love it! All the stars for you!!!!

She’s Delores Umbridge without the wand or the cats...... sanctimoniously spreading her message of rhetorical bile...... pure subliminal evil

I agree that women are usually denigrated by the GOP unless they are in a position of power/wealth...... Alice Walton is worth $35+ billion, she definitely gets to sit near the head of the big boy table........ and is exceptional at being low profile...... make of that what you will......

Every single time............

Of course there’s no conflict, this crap has been going on for decades..... in their minds, we are all just peasants.....

Ah Yes, the sixth food group, and my personal favorite, alcohol! I’m already on medication, but to hell with it, I have to have something to retain a semblance of sanity........

Largest holder of Wal-Mart is a woman, so rich in fact, she can wipe her butt with donald.... easily.

Pretty much the definition of a sociopath......

I think it’s more that he lives in his own reality, and nothing fazes him. Even when confronted with the truth, he pretends that it doesn’t exist......

Yes. That sucked many times........

That’s the logical, and way that it normally works. Unfortunately, this is NOT the case.

Actually, the deputy ambassador will be in charge until there is a new appointee. Been there, seen that.

Yes. This. For him, they have NEVER applied. This only shows how ridiculous he is. Which incoming president would do something as stupid and petty as this? As a child of a former deputy ambassador, I can tell you from personal experience on many occasions, being moved in the middle of the school year sucks. (By the

Idiot, we already have borders, as well as the U.S. customs office, the Coast Guard and the military to protect us. Millions of illegal immigrants from south and central America are only coming here to do the back breaking slave wage jobs people like you don’t want. And yes, my grandparents came here from another

Thank you! You make my heart all warm and fuzzy...... I’m glad that intellect, comprehension, decency and common sense are not dead in America. Especially after November.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You’ve made my Friday! Trump stuck in the twilight zone! Forever!

Well, there goes our chances of being the Federation.......