I like They Might Be Giants' suggestion: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nothing
I started to write something about that and cut it for space: learning more about the solar system with my kids made me reconsider feeling let down about Pluto. It's not that there used to be 9 planets and now there are 8. There used to be 9 planets and now there are so many we need multiple categories for them. There…
Yeah, I guess you're right. I honestly don't know why that's a sandwich and a hot dog isn't, but I'm steadfast in my contradictory beliefs!
No, so use as much of it as you want!
My Irish wife introduced me to it, and it seemed pretty ingrained in the culture over there, so I guess I assumed.
A sub roll is traditionally cut in half. There's your two slices of bread. A hot dog has one continuous roll. Not two slices of bread.
I have no difficulty believing the first person to get credit for something was a lord.
So, I meant to jump in here as soon as the article went up to talk more about sandwiches, but got caught up in having a wonderful Father's Day with my damn wiener kids, so I'm coming in late. But I have some sandwich recipes! One of them is an ice-cream sandwich.
I think it's going to reinforce a lot of beliefs on both sides, regarding guns. But I also think, if you're not strongly pro- or anti-gun, just concerned with the scope of human tragedy, one candidate and party saying, "Never again," and one candidate and party saying, "Let's make sure it's easy for this to happen…
The National Knife Association had a powerful lobby back then.
Upvoted for username-comment synergy!
I'm already getting tweets about what is and isn't a sandwich.
New York has done a pretty impressive job of cleaning up its rivers. You can kayak in both the East and the Hudson now!
I have an idea in the back of my mind to pitch a book called "History Is Terrible," which gets into all this stuff. Yes, we romanticize the past, but disease was rampant and your doctors were probably going to kill you. And everything was absolute shit if you weren't a white male who owned some land. My kids don't…
Exactly. Time Travel would have an All-Inclusive Resort where you could say you went to 1066 but never actually had to leave poolside.
Every time I interact with a libertarian, I reflect on the fact that it's nearly always because they're using the government-created internet to spread their ideas.
No kidding! I can excuse a 20-year-old who's never voted before and has no perspective on how the process works. But all of the "Never Hillary" BS on my Facebook wall is from people my age who voted for Bill Clinton, and were grown adults in 2000 and saw how Nader stripped away enough voters to make the election close…
Apparently, the biggest medical innovation in hospitals in the last ten years isn't some fancy new piece of nanobot technology; it's the checklist. Infection is the thing that kills the most people in hospitals, so they've started making pre-flight checklists of very basic stuff — did you wash your hands? Did you…
We can't assume our whole readership has a broad familiarity with creepypasta, so we went with something recognizable.