Nora Morse


If people have to do all that figuring, then the writing needs to be fixed.


Still the funniest misplayed ball EVER.

Interesting but off course.

This is a very shallow pot to stir.

Hey, dealer: Suck it, Fiatch.

Anybody who can sweat half-moons through a sports coat deserves to be there.

Even lovelier from the front. This is what David Niven would drive to show up at your door and backhand you for your taste in cognac.

Wait. Do they have a customer base outside the House of Saud, Russian gangsters, and the aspiring Chinese macher?

For Jalopnik readers who don’t know, Philip Plein is kind of a big deal.

God, these idiotic inquisitions by the press!

Trump’s a borough guy.

It gets stickier in act 2, though, doesn’t it?

It’s standard policy, isn’t it? Get the subject under control immediately. That authorizes use of force.

Really interesting!

Jacques Ellul and Lewis Mumford would be proud of you, Aaron.


As a father, I agree with Whitlock.

So when we do this to ourselves, it gets a philosophical shrug, huh?