How about not storing your shovel in your front yard like a damn hillbilly?
How about not storing your shovel in your front yard like a damn hillbilly?
Agree on all of the above. Also the comments system seems fuct. It doesn't have any regard for my settings (oldest comments first, show all replies). I also can't approve or promote a comment (I see no options or buttons for those), and I'm not sure if I'm a starred commenter anymore (I can "toggle star" for anyone,…
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I, for one, welcome our new drooling, babbling overlords.
@TreFacTor: Haha, my Grandpa always said, "When I die, stick a bone in my ass and let the dogs carry me away". Good times.
@CaptainJack: I agree. I watched Heartbreak Ridge and Runaway Train on there last week, both great older movies.
@mconheady: Agreed. I don't think there's a movie on there newer than 2 years old.
@sabretoooth: I totally agree, But the free apps are nice too.
@PedoDroid: Yes. Jailbreaking even.
@hmmcolor: That makes sense I guess.
I'm confused. Are iPhones illegal now or??
@Alexander Riccio: I use the hotel alarm clock, coupled with my cell phone, coupled with the wakeup call. And yes, I have still slept through the three methods.
@Alexander Riccio: I actually have this clock. It's loud, but like any other alarm clock, you get used to it over time.
@xTRICKYxx: Or smoke less than two packs of Lucky Strikes a day.
@Mike Thrane: Wow a star!! Thanks a bunch!!!
Well it would also be hard to steal due to the fact it has no pedals or chain.
@mjnbrn: It's the Mystery Machine
What exactly is "the Mystery Mobile"?
@Go Vols!: I've been very happy with the service of AT&T Wireless / Cingular for the last 10 years.
@MacAttack: I've had AT&T (and Cingular) for about 10 years and have never really had problems with dropped calls. Their customer service is excellent too. I've never really understood the bashing.
@duggernator: First thing I thought of.