I have no idea what’s the story here (despite the article going on about how everyone’s sick of reading about this woman).
I have no idea what’s the story here (despite the article going on about how everyone’s sick of reading about this woman).
Amazing how these two that wanted to leave the monarchy so bad can’t stop talking about the monarchy and wanting to be a part of all things monarchy-related.
My bullshit detector is going off on this one. I think entirely possible that aBill Murray was an asshole to a young Seth Green. But I doubt anyone was “hung if a trash can”.
Nah, more likely that he’s worried that Charles would potentially remove the titles the pair of them rely on to make money unlike Liz.
I do think it’s hilarious that, after all the dust has settled, Wilde’s movie was successful at the box office, whereas David O. Russell’s new movie was a massive flop, but I bet I know which of those two will have less trouble putting together their next high profile movie.
Alright, be honest. Who’s expectations were all that high for this thing?
Reporting a crime and having an abortion are separate activities, why are you forcing them to be one workstream?
Ahh really? I was wondering but I wasn’t sure.
I love how the article’s retraction says that it was amended “to reflect that Whoopi Goldberg says she did not wear a fat suit” rather than just “amended to reflect that Whoopi Goldberg was not wearing a fat suit.” It sounds like it doesn’t believe her still.
For me, I got hung up on ‘Goldbergs peers don’t make it easy’. So someone was eager to call out fatsuits - eager enough to do it to someone who wasn’t wearing a fatsuit...and the problem isn’t that people are jumping onboard the anti-fatsuit train with such zeal despite not being able to tell what is and is not a…
So the story’s about an actress who wasn’t wearing a fatsuit being accused of wearing one; and your article on it includes five paragraphs of pontificating on fatsuits?
Devil’s Backbone is one of the great Horror movies of our time. We could squabble about whether Pan’s Labrynth is Horror, but the Horror scenes in it are downright terrifying. Every movie he has ever directed has at least some Horror elements. He also produced the all-time unsettling El Orphanato. The man has Horror…
I’m sure it’s got Rash all over.
I don’t think The Whale is going for that whitebread middle America money. Doesn’t change the fact that everyone knows and loves Brendan Frazier, and he brings attention to this movie that it would not otherwise get.
...Pruitt Taylor Vince is out there. He needs work.
I don’t blame her for wanting to get paid, but all rationalizations aside—she sold out. It doesn’t make her a terrible person or anything, but she’s definitely ceded some of the moral high ground here.
“You didn’t pay me nearly enough to deal with the real world consequences of the hate speech dog whistling you refuse to acknowledge, Ted.”
Daniel Franzese seeing Brendan Fraser show up at the Fat People’s meeting:
“He doesn’t even go here!”
I’m enjoying that a 15 year old movie bringing in $30 million in one weekend has everyone suddenly reconsidering their “lol avatar 2 is gonna bomb, the first left no impact” hot take that I’ve been hearing for a decade straight.