It’s a little weird to me that Gard, who grabbed Howard first, is not seeing a suspension for his role in the matter.
It’s a little weird to me that Gard, who grabbed Howard first, is not seeing a suspension for his role in the matter.
Yeah...he touched him. Well that of course deserves throwing fists around.
Paging Jay Connor - Can I get a real article/take on this situation please.
normies who I don’t like enjoy music bawwww
Name the bands you like so we can evaluate your shite taste in music.
I think this observation says more about your personal experiences around the time Oasis were popular than what they actually represented. Yes, they fine-tuned their appeal by pretending to be more stupid than they were, but their audience was wide and varied and went way beyond young, working-class men and “lads”.
The development had 3/143 units dedicated to affordable housing…and the whole development was voted down.
I hate this. I hate articles that try to promote something by dragging something else down. Not only is it like “we can’t have too much queer entertainment so we gotta try and destroy something” but it makes it so I feel like I can’t talk about all the wonderful things about Dragula, I gotta defend Drag Race.
Every time a question is posed to the whole group Jasmine answers it!
Wow, I completely forgot about that terrible performance. “Dreaming” is not an easy lipsync song, but that was like a third-rate club act at eight in the evening, what with Trixie’s endless flailing and Pearl’s Westworld Fembot routine in that awful Frank-n-Furter (as Miss Cleo) getup. I think I’m completely justified…
My theory is that this week’s UK vs the World got a bit trapped by being a Drag Race UK series, because they can hardly have two UK queens be eliminated in a row now, can they? And so, Baga (who should have been in the bottom) had to be safe.
Che was a Joker origin story, right?
I guess hooking up with the world’s least considerate pothead could be called ‘brave’, sure.
I forgot that he died just before the movie premiered.
What, Jezebel didn’t get clowned enough yesterday for this stupid ass fucking take? Do we need to break it down for you again?
Is this one of those things that only people on Twitter are talking about which is being blown way out of proportion by sites having a slow news day?
The Awkwafina “controversy” is pretty overblown. Detractors are basically saying that you’re not allowed to sound like you’re from Queens if you’re Asian? She should be doing karate for you and mixing up Rs and Ls instead? Fuckin yikes.
This is not a well researched article based on fair comparisons (shocking for Jezebel, I know.)
“The whole thing just felt tone-deaf and super awkward.”
People are missing the point in these comments. This isn’t about Nicki or TikTok. This is about the fact that white people think they must be nosy about everything we do. They just have to take up all the space, be obnoxious about it, not learn a damn thing about anything, report their findings to other white people…