
We’ve seen so many big girls on the show that mainly rely on their big personality, but Kornbread has by far the most charming personality of them all. Even more than Latrice.

Counterpoint to the headline: Democrats haven't voted consistently enough over time. It's possible that 2016 was the point of no return, and everyone needs to start thinking like it's 1955 and go all in on civil disobedience and collective action to start pulling back.

If a legion of men had reacted to a few dates/dating app text conversation not working out the way the women on Tik Tok have reacted to West Elm Caleb, they would be called incels.

Thinking back, something I realized made the article have such a weird tone is that Whedon’s answers were constantly so absurd that the writer herself didn’t really know what to do with them. There have been interviews like that published before and there is an approach to them where you try to create a neutral space

I agree we shouldn’t be selective about which hate crimes to cover, but let’s not pretend many of these crimes aren't perpetrated by black people and pointing that out doesn’t imply dismissing the harm of white supremacy. And putting the term hate crimes in quotes when a black person is behind them is really

That profile does not do him any favors — he comes across as extremely entitled, narcissistic and plays the victim, believing that he has never done anything wrong. He blames C-PTSD, which he may actually have (no way for us to know) but seems to have learned absolutely nothing from alleged years of therapy and

I don’t think that any marketing ploy from anybody other than GOP cult leaders would’ve worked. As long as you had Trump doing his shuck and jive and letting all the various dopes in the party he leads actively telling people that vaccinations are bad without challenge, this was always going to be the result. Jesus

Kornbread, Angeria and Willow Pill seem like one genuine batch of girls.

Maddy actually said in Untucked that she doesn’t think the straights should feel free to invade queer spaces. She wants to be a good ally and respect the community. Maddy also mentioned wanting to expand representation of straight cis men can be. A straight cis man can love makeup and drag. A straight cis man can play

Her drag was also much too sombre for the event. Apparently, a cross between Joan Jett and Prince equals Carole Pope at any point in her Rough Trade era. And I admittedly still hold a grudge against that group for refusing to play “High School Confidential” at Toronto’s Gay Pride in ‘93.

I feel that the episode could have reached the next level if every shot of Keys was captioned with the words “possibly stoned”. Okay, we can probably remove that adverb, but still: I can’t recall a more heavily sedated judge appearing on the Main Stage. She was groovin’.

Angeria’s posed (pageant pun!) to become a frontrunner for this season, but she also clearly came from that tranporter accident in Voyager that produced “Tuvix”, this time scrambling Heidi and Jaida to produce Jaidi Essence Closet, a.k.a Wendy from S6 ANTM.

Oh, lighten up. This ep was fine. The Tic Tac product placement was strong but fun. Alicia Keys was cool, possibly stoned. The moments where the contestant’s performances were lacking was saved by the judges comments which kept it entertaining enough. This was a decent regular episode of Drag Race. Not as good as last

That was just irritating.

Better yet, ignore it and STAY THE FUCK OFF TWITTER.

Right, like Licorice Pizza for example, which (touches earpiece)...oh, sorry, I’m getting word that Gen Z thinks it’s an insidious manual for grooming teenagers and has made several tweetstorms and TikTok videos about it.

I haven’t seen the movie, but this whole fracas is just proof that you should never wade into Twitter after you’ve made an album/movie/book. Twitter’s the cool kids table (mostly full of failed or flailing writers but that’s neither here nor there), and when you make a thing you’re not really invited to come talk to

I’d say if you are getting your advice from Joe Rogen then there is a very good chance of Darwinian Theory catching up with you and solving all our problems.

“Medical professionals”? Pffff...who takes those fucking wizards seriously?

Remember when Joe Rogan was just a dumb actor/comedian, and not an actual threat to public health and safety? Pepperidge Farm remembers.