I will never understand the Kate McKinnon love. I find all of her impersonations to be so grating, and just not funny.
I will never understand the Kate McKinnon love. I find all of her impersonations to be so grating, and just not funny.
As someone who was actually gaybashed, I hope they throw the book at Jussie. Spare me with stories of his good works.
Except that’s an extremely contorted retelling of his tours.
“what are you going to do, vote for a third party and throw away your vote!”
Oh my God! Lyndon LaRouche was right!!!
I’m happy to see kids organizing and making sense of this on a larger scale.
Oh boy now I get it. You’re one of those desperate folks who hang out on sites they hate, thinking they’re speaking some sort of truth. That’s really sad and I’m sorry life didn’t turn out the way you thought. There’s still time to change.
As someone who lives on the left side of the political spectrum, one of our side’s worst tendencies is our collective insistence that our shit don’t stink. For all our smugness about red states and blue states, I’ve had way more racial slurs hurled my way on the streets of New York and LA than I ever did in North…
what in the world is happening in her office, or is this normal and the press are just making it a bigger thing?
This is goddamned abominable.
That’s thing. A PI 40 years after the fact figured out their whole case was bullshit, the prosecutor at the time certainly knew it to. And if they stitched up one man to close a case they probably did it to 100s of others. But the state is acting like this is some isolated fluke.
Seriously, there’s no way Scott isn’t getting taken to the cleaners after this court-case is over.
Gee, I hope she can earn a little extra Christmas money with this.
Literally one day. And if you want to criticize people for being terminally online, you may want to check out that log in your own eye first.
Hopefully you will be gaining the perspective with age that there is a gulf between an explanation and an excuse. Good luck to you, and may you find more compassion than you can muster for others.
Autism is a spectrum. You’re being an asshole.
Can’t forget Jurassic World.
Another list of nominees for the ‘irrelevant’ awards. The only nomination that matters in the whole bunch, that has any semblance of importance or artistical wit, is obviously T. Swift’s Evermore, a phenomenal album that saw her breaking new creative ground in her career. Great collaborations on that album and it’s…
Just here like always to say,
So you went from “this is my first comment, I’ve said about this anywhere” to really doing a hard defense of Rittenhouse. Say what you will about the trial, about the fact that this was self-defense(which, disgustingly, in this country, this was considered ...) but to defend him BEING THERE.