
“We have you on video sir, you’re blowing a whistle, damaging people’s hearing.”

Not since The Andy Griffith Show has a white man used a whistle so effectively.

A news conference to protest the incarceration of most violent offenders of an insurrection that killed five people, to include two cops?

I am not sure who that bearded guy was leading MTG away but from the protective hold he had her they are definitely doin’ it. And ps. That is not her husband.

Word. Fucking clown car done busted an axle.

This is SOOOO awesome. I hope every time these shit stains are in public, this is the response. Whistles, bands, screams of “Pedophile!” Awesome!

I coach D2 track and xc. Everyone one of these athletes is trying to balance school, athletics, work, family, and its amazing how many people still give them shit because “you’re getting a scholarship.” None of them are getting even a quarter scholarship. Being involved in sports has been the most rewarding experience

Hereditary is a very well made film technically which I never want to see again nor anything else ever by this director. So maybe a bit *too* effective in my case.

After Trump, the GOP is full on in on Truthiness.

I can’t believe people still fall for this schtick.Bowie, Prince, Madonna etc, have all done this thing before ( and better) If people really have a problem with him, then shut up and let his talent be the ultimate judge. I hear more about people’s reaction to what Nas X does in a video or performance, than I hear

it was abusive of her coaches to make her mental state such that she thought it was the right and necessary thing to do

Well Chuck Todd tried to both sides this right after the hearing. Fox News had a Chyron that called it the Pelosi committee and of course The GOP is still claiming it was BLM & Antifa protestors dressed as Trump supporters. Real question: Are you soulless mother fuckers Americans or Republicans? I mean if you weren’t

Yeah what Strug did wasn’t strong or heroic, it was fucking stupid and it was abusive of her coaches to make her mental state such that she thought it was the right and necessary thing to do.  It’s mental and physical abuse all the way down.

Of course a mental health reason is just as valid a reason as a physical injury to withdraw, but also, gymnastics (especially at this skill level) is incredibly dangerous and if her head isn’t in the right place, she could be seriously hurt or die. 

Thats why Coco Guaf is the future. To bad she cam down with Covid

Also, after Kerri Strug landed that vault, she was literally carried off the mat and handed to Larry Nassar. If that doesn’t prove that athletes should listen to their instincts, I don’t know what does. I have so much respect for Simone for setting this precedent.

Why isn’t Rapace’s character more suspicious of her husband, who obviously has been up to some shenanigans. 

I’m tired of reporters, both print and television, saying that Simon Biles carries the weight of winning solely on her shoulders. This is a team event...the coverage of a single person only adds to the stresses she must have felt just trying to do her job. Hoda Kotb’s obvious breakdown aside, why do we feel like she

And I think that this is opening a can of worms and we are not going to be able to go back.