4 people. Practically a Twitter trend.
4 people. Practically a Twitter trend.
Seems you’re in the minority here but I’m surprised at the extreme answers from some folks here.
“It’s just letting the school board know that their current system allows bullying and they should fix it.”
Eh, he’s just going to post some lame ass critique of The Daily Show trying to cancel him on Facebook and Barb from Lubbock will agree with him and thank him for all the work he does even though Ted Cruz’ main job is to have his ugly blob face on TV. That asshole is not going anywhere and he has no shame or self…
And now I’m going to go re-read the Studio 60 “My Year of Flops” article.
Was waiting for this picture and really there is nothing else to be said.
As much as we want to drag the fuckers complaining about this, I agree that this was a dumbass move on his part.
I’m glad that got resolved. Whew
I still maintain that Kandy had no business in the final 4 but she did win her lipsync fair and square. Rose was not all there and it’s obvious that Rupaul just wasn’t really buying what she was selling. Kandy in the final 2 still feels manufactured as fuck and I’m going to guess she’s going to be coming back a few…
Straight out of the Kardashian playbook : shallow, stupid, pointless and attention seeking. Maybe she'll give Kylie a job in the administration, maybe something health related, since she's spent so much time getting plastic surgery
She would fit right in with the centrist / moderate wing of the Democratic party. Not sure why she’s still riding on to the GOP clown car
These are the same dipshits complaining about cancel culture but still have a copy of the email they sent to the country radio station to get them to boycott the Dixie Chicks
Seriously, when the fuck does that bloviating ugly ass son of a bitch Ted Cruz actually do his job? He’s alwayseither on TV or down in Mexico vacationing
Is he implying that WB’s handling of his issues with Josh Wheedon is similar to George Floyd getting murdered by the police? Or am I reading too much into it?
“After being stripped of all her committee assignments, you’d think MTG would want to fly under the radar for a while and let things quiet down.”
Don't you love these wise internet mind readers that know everything about you?
He had dropped the gun already
Writers instead of bloggers, if you will
> and have worked with gay youth since my 20s.
I think Kate's generous grade is probably out of relief she doesn't have to recap this season for much longer