
I wouldn’t use Bret Stephen’s sniveling to defend your point.

I don't agree that in this particular case casting somebody who isn't autistic automatically means it's a minstrel show. However the way she has handled the backlash and the involvement of Autism Speak are just not a great look for her 

You bastard

Meh, kill yourself 

Ricky Stratton and the MyPillow guy. Guess Chachi's bitch ass is too broke to chip in 

The focus should be to win Georgia. I have my issues with Defund the Police (right idea, shitty slogan) but otherwise pulling back from the message that brought out the Black vote when trying to win Georgia is a dumb idea. moderates need to take a chill pill

I'll be optimistic but that is a good sign 

Ah, it’s that elite strike force that Blondie Whatshername was talking about

Good. And hopefully this is only the beginning for her grifter ass 

These are the folks we are supposed to reach out to and let the healing begin? The horde of fat delusional white trash and white trash adjacent? Nah

Like I said in another thread, if your campaign and message can't offset whatever AOC is saying on Twitter (granted that it is a big platform) then your Campaign and message weren't that good to begin with 

Agree with the sentiment but in the end only a couple of acts will get highlighted and they’ll just keep giving everything to Taylor Swift anyway.

Jethro Tull disagrees.

Peloton people rightly freaking out about this.

“ However, the vast majority of candidates who lost their races did not support these policies, while several who did—members of “The Squad” for instance—cruised to reelection.”

Puerto Rican and only time I use it is online. I think it’s more prevalent in 2nd generation and beyond

Earlier this week, Cuban and Venezuelan Americans in South Florida received a disproportionate amount of attention from people quick to assign blame for Trump’s stronger-than-expected election performance on “the Latino vote.””

Now when is Facebook going to purge the obvious troll accounts that post pro Trump crap on NY Times articles? Like Denis Ezeh from Nigeria? 

D’Souza is unconvincingly frothing on the soundtrack about how “the socialist left and the Democrats want to make us grovel” and “make us worms,””

Our local Costco is back giving samples but on a very limited capacity and for things that don’t require prep like popcorn and juice.