Like I said upthread , Sanders campaign may not have done enough to tailor the message to older voters.
My anecdotal experience with elder relatives of color is that Sanders had good ideas but would not be able to get anything done. Warren didn’t even get a mention.
The Republicans are playing the mistrust between the left and moderate wings of the party pretty well.
Yea That was a bad bad look
Bernie Sanders needs every single vote, if he’s the nominee. But you do you I guess
That’s a bit unfair don’t you think? Unless you’re talking about donors and media and not regular voters who may have landed on Mayor Pete on good faith.
I wasn’t going to bother pointing it out but I’m glad you did...bunch of projection and conjecture in that post.
She ran it through a hot tap, what else do you want??
One time I used the cap of a ballpoint pen to fashion a fork out of it. Slightly more hygienic
I think you gonna be waiting a while for an apology from Michael Harriot. And I don’t think he has much to apologize for but that’s my opinion.
My problem wasn’t that Pete “isn’t gay enough”
Eh, gloat away either way, what diff does it make.
While I think the pile-on he received over whether he was “gay enough” to represent LGBTQ+ was pretty gross, I’m happy that he’s no longer in the race. He was basically an empty suit Tracey Flick wannabe.
But was she able to find a fork to eat her salad this time?
The music industry is predatory and artists get the short end of contracts all the time. Hopefully she can work things out.
Never said that it was all his supporters. Just that even though some of them (and some of his campaign staff) are the pits, it doesn’t matter to me.
Here’s what Sanders had to say