Look at most of those profiles. It's a bunch of people trying to promote a blog or content or whatever piece of Internet flotsam they're using to pay their bills. Whatever gets them clicks
Look at most of those profiles. It's a bunch of people trying to promote a blog or content or whatever piece of Internet flotsam they're using to pay their bills. Whatever gets them clicks
there’s gotta be places closer to Alexandria, LA to buy weed. This doesn’t pass the smell test.
This is the kind of performative bullshit I hate about Twitter and the pack of holier than thou assholes whose every waking minute devoted to this silly outrage
David Axelrod is a celebrity??
Ellen is a celebrity with more money than God. I'd call this a minor inconvenience that will go away once there is a new outrage of the day
You said it was a fact that it was a mediocre knock off.
I think Yelp has had its moment. I look at star ratings but rarely read the reviews. I used to write reviews and I always tried to put in useful information. Some people use Yelp as a writing workshop. Look at this example (obviously don’t read the novellas this person is writing but seriously...Who has time to read…
I’ve been to a few of these parties and they were just a few family members and friends getting together to drink and eat some cheap pizza and finger food. No gifts were given. There was a little guessing game and the people that guessed right didn’t get anything. Parents opened the envelope from the doctor's office…
“ Even though the real villain here isn’t Jenner, but the economic system that enabled one person to amass so much wealth in the first place, the video rubbed some people the wrong way!”
Baracka is busy trying to make Warren Bros a thing
She should know better so its fair to criticize her on this topic.
Yelp Elites are always in a rush to a) try the newest restaurant on day 1 and b) go and write a scathing review about it because their water didn’t get refilled fast enough.
“Mediocre” is an opinion.
We deserve extinction but not because of a comic book movie doing well at the box office
If Cinemascore is any indication it may have decent legs...it scored a B+
“Honestly Joker is just a mediocre knock-off of King of Comedy”
Considering the ridiculous amount of press this thing got, curiosity factor was for sure very high.
“Bottom line is no one is saying you can’t say things or do things. It’s just that it’s going to be received a certain way by certain people and you’re gonna have to shoulder that”
After watching Joker it’s pretty apparent that both praise and condemnation of the movie were blown way out of proportion. Joaquin Phoenix was fantastic, but all the hand wringing about it was a bit too much. If anything it probably helped to sell more tickets to a solid but unspectacular movie