Mike Patterson

Ah ok, right, I went back and that's a good point!! It doesn't change my main point which really is I'm completely confirmed that the affair is happening in our present day.

The one thing that has now been established for me is that in Alison's retelling of the story, the affair began in the summer of 2014. That completely lines up with the car registration and the son's headstone (died 2012).

You are nuts!

It's gonna be hard to come up with a conspiracy that is as deeply satisfying/complex/polarizing as the one they came up with in the original British series! When it was revealed in season one I gotta admit to gasping!

Who is julius Ceasar is kind of a joke isn't it?

Far too easy on The After, which is honestly drivel! Every race and social class stereotypically represented, the birthday thing (seriously??), impending apocalypse? Ugh! It was "This Is The End" without the funny shit, or any likable characters!!! Swing and a miss!!

I found this to be far and away the funniest episode! I laughed from beginning to end! Stevie, teaching the twirl! Hysterical! The conversation between Myrtle and Cordelia was priceless! Comedy gold this week!

I agree except I see the two birds with one stone as fulfilling Laveau's annual deal and getting rid of Nan. I don't see any desire from Laveau to keep that baby! (which would be her 400th or so offered) I'm guessing she got over that a long time ago!

"Scandal" notwithstanding, cue the "black woman finally gets the lead in a major network series and she's carrying Satan's baby" bitchfest. 3…2…1…

How about Todd Solondz' "Happiness". I break out into a cold sweat just thinking about that one!

Cheers man…now you actually HAVE restored my faith in the internet!! LOL, Have a good one!

I thought we were having a decent exchange of ideas, silly me… I pointed out over and over again that it was my opinion, I don't suggest I am the final word, I put it out there that I don't get it in an attempt to get some reasonable conversations about why I should. Never said he sucks, said I don't get it. Purest

Couldn't disagree more. In fact, I found the lyrics trite and juvenile. The production was an uneven mishmash (again this is to my ear, which is not untrained). I get how that can be disruptive and ground breaking but I found nothing cohesive about it, it sounds like change for change's sake, which to me is a waste.

I honestly tried to get through the whole song, made it about half way. I usually can see the other side even for music that misses my taste, but for the love of Christ, I am missing this guy's supposed 'genius'. I really am not trying to hate, I just don't get it!

Totally true, its just that he annoys the hell out of me and any chance I get to dig at him I must take. I'm sure he truly believes he can walk on water, while no one else is calling him an innovator, I'm completely positive he sees himself as such!

Yet you can hear it today by playing Saul William's "The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!" from '07! Way to innovate Yeezy!