Mike Minier

Fallout 4 somehow hits everything I’m a complete sucker for: town creation, weapon customization, “tower” defense, Sci-Fi, robots, dogs, crafting, and so much more!

The only thing missing is the tripods attacking with lasers in the background..

By that logic, should Wolf 3D or Hovertank been inducted before Doom?

WoW became a phenomenon, and although influenced by those who came before, it also rewrote virtually every rule in the book as defined by said before-comers. Very few games can manage to replace the previous measuring stick while also managing to

Found a fellow scientist!

Not really a comparison. This is a video of the heroic version of the boss, not the mythic version. It’s like saying you own a Bugatti because you have the matchbox version.

Rolling a 1 in initiative at anytime.

Isn't that the point?

he has a master's degree in "that stuff."

♪ loo, loo, loo, I got some apples. ♫ loo, loo, loo, you got some too ♪

Look at this shit. Here's 2K's guide on how to run the game in "fullscreen"

They should have called it the Super 3DS. Naming opportunity missed.

Oh, and there's an energy meter.

My favorite game to play after upgrading my PC is:

Usually not a fan of long reads, but you got me again Yannick - as someone who has never (and will probably never), played LoL, it's great to get a lowdown on what the fuss is all about.

Well, sure, but there are also new moon or cloudy nights where you can't see your hand in front of your face (I actually grew up in a rural area of the lower penninsula - Michigan represent!). I agree with the idea that differentiation between night and day, and better night effects are a good idea and would make

Is there a pun? I don't see it.

But....Marky Mark!

The "messy lines" are the underlying structure of the finished piece and are necessary to maintain the proportions. This is basic drawing 101, which I suggest you pursue, since the approach to an art piece is at least as important, if not more so, than the technical skill in execution.

I always use the nude mods. Not because I'm a perv, but because the mosaic, while funny the first few times, kind of bothers me. I don't really know why. One of the greatest things about The Sims is the modding community though!