Mike Minier

Nowadays? Putting HD in the title is pretty much all it takes to qualify as an “HD Remake”. People will buy anything.

I’m waiting for the lawsuit he files for “mental anguish”, in which they will settle out of court for several million dollars. ‘Murica.

If you owned WoW in the past, even if it was just vanilla, you automatically have every expansion except Legion. Buying Legion gets you access to the new stuff, as well as a free level 100 boost for any character of your choosing.

Anyone have a different download link? That one is broken.

How does someone become a “Virtual Worlds Reporter”? I want to be the reporter for Moon Guard on WoW. I currently reside in cottage near Goldshire, which I share with my mistress, Donni Anthania.

We both share a love of cats and bondage, but she lets me off the leash everyday from 3pm to 5pm. I firmly believe I am well

Definitely looks like something I could get into!

Please oh please don’t let LotRO die. I know I’ve taken year long breaks from it, but I always come back. I’ve spend hundreds, maybe a couple thousand(pathetic, sue me) on it over the years. If they can’t keep it running, sell it to someone who can. Please!!!!

I haven’t played in awhile, but I always started my own groups. It is simple, and noone can boot you.

Unfortunately it hasn’t been that long. San Andreas just came out last year.......

That’s a pretty bold statement for someone who knows jack shit about me or my life. I work for the car I own. I work for the house I will eventually own(in about 7 more years when it is paid off lol). I work to support my loving wife and the best son in the world. I work for my pc, to keep it up to date with the

Smokin’ tires!

I will destroy the Earth if anything ever happens to Kotaku.

I wanna know who gets the job of filling the backpacks with zombie “smell”.....

Am I the only one who has gotten less than impressed with Minecraft builds over the years? When some of the first big ones came out, I was awestruck. However, when you’ve seen a hundred amazing ones done before it, can you really be impressed by it?

If someone built a machine that could teleport people, I would be

We’ve sure come a long way from angling the camera just right for upskirts on PS1......

Guerrilla had some of the most fun destruction of any game I’ve ever played. They need to get the team that made that back together and do a proper sequel. Armageddon was absolute crap.

I’ve have SSD’s that are almost as old as the PS4 itself in my pc and they still run fine. Your PS4 itself will die long before it’s SSD if you buy a quality one. I recommend something like a 500gb Samsung 850 EVO. 150TB lifespan. I don’t care how much games/porn/cat pictures you fill it with, it will not die before

As both a WoW fan, and a Snacktaku fan, I would love to see these recipes on there!!!

So would hardened mayo lumps.

I believe the game plus all current expansions is only $10. Of course when legion comes out you’d have to buy that, but you can get a lot of playtime in before then.