Mike Minier

That video was hilarious for the first few minutes. Then it starts to get annoying. By the end you just want to take that guy and saw his "badass" arms off while he screams.

First off, this is Naughty Dog we are talking about, and for all intents and purposes, their shit in fact does not stink. Other than that awful Jak racing game for ps2, they have yet to release a bad game imo. Crash Bandicoot becamse a gaming icon, Jak and Daxter were some of the most celebrated games of the ps2

Personally, I'm more interesed in the extra features of the Vita than the games itself. As a person who has yet to jump on the iPhone or Ipad bandwagon(my 1st generation iPod touch i don't count cuz it sucks), I am looking for a portable gaming machine that can also tackle the web and all that kinda stuff.

I agree with ProximityAlert. Any WoW player(or former in my case) would know that sentance makes perfect sense. The way it was originally worded was just fine, even without the proper capitalization. He is referring to the tool in WoW that allows you to find raid members. It is called the Looking for Raid tool.

Personally I love Minecraft. I started playing last winter(around January 2011) and I have played off and on since. My first two months of playing the game, I played almost solely Minecraft. It is by far my most played game of the year, and this has been a HUGE year for games, with titles like Forza 4, Arkham City,

Apparently you forgot number 11.

Double Post sorry.

You also happen to get a TON of free content with that subscription fee. I'll use WoW as an example. In WoW, they release free game updates with tons of new content constantly. Here is a perfect example:

One of the first mods I intend to make when the Construction Set is released is an overhaul to the dragons. They need to be MUCH harder and IMO more of them. I want to see battles of 5 or more at a time fighing not just you but one another as well. If this new construction set is as robust as Bethesda is saying, we

This is precisely why I will be using a different Origin Account for each game. While I personally hate online shooters like BF3, and I have yet to use Origin, I will when SWTOR comes out. It will have its own account just for the game. Any other games I buy will also have their own accounts.

@JC- It's easy to make claims like that with absolutely no proof. I've never seen Eurogamer be biased towards European games. Seems more to me like you just want to start drama. Eurogamer may be tougher in their reviews but they sure as heck aren't biased. Thats the biggest load of balooey I've heard in ages.

Not sure where Kotaku gets their info from but The Old Republic IS coming out in 2011. It has been confirmed in numerous interviews already. Take the quote from one of the E3 videos. One of the devs specifically said the team was working overtime as it is "launch year". I believe that was Stephen Reid or one of

One more thing. As you have not played the game yet, how do you know if these companions will be more or less memorable than the ones from KotOR or 2? I for one didn't care much for alot of the companions on them and thought that even Mass Effect had more memorable characters. Again what give you the right to

First off the story from what I have seen is just as memorable as KotOR 1 and a HELL of alot more memorable than KotOR 2. Granted I haven't played the game and neither have you so you shouldn't even be making ANY assumptions about the story.

I have never disagreed more with something I read on Kotaku than I do with this article. Did this guy even PLAY the game? I was one of the few who actually got to sit down with the game(and no I WILL not give specifics as the NDA is atill in place and I do not wish to lose my place) and the game is so un-WoW it

The Old Republic. Hands down. Nothing even comes close. Skyrim at a distant second.

Wow honestly these girls could play anything they want looking like that and I would pay to see them. Talk about gorgeous.

Ahh Winback! One of the more frustrating but still fun games I have ever played lol.

I bought the original Gears about a month after it came out. All I had heard from both reviewers and friends is, "You gotta play this!". I got about halfway through it and quit, I just couldn't see what all the fuss was about it. When my friend found out he said that I had to play with with someone else for it to

Why does everything cool always happen miles from me? I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and we never get anything cool. Hell we just got a damn Walmart like 2 years ago and that was like a damn major event. I really hate it. On a side note I would sell my testicles to be able to go here.