
For not showing off how detailed the model was they sure showed off how detailed the model was.

Exactly what I was thinking. They did a nice job on the stubble, but forgot the eyelashes!


I thought it was an old iPod nano at first.

That thing looks tiny in his hands on the 3rd video.

Well my netbook is almost as powerfull as it is now so... It was cool at the time, but I should have bought a desktop being that it was 18lbs and 1 hour of battery life.

That's what I played the entire existing Half Life series on... 17" Aurora "Conspiracy Blue" AMD powered Alienware laptop from 2006

I was looking for a comment about this. First thing I thought too.

Looks like they made it all the way to north Seattle where I was sledding down the frozen streets!

I always preferred the little nubs...

They gave me one of these when I worked at Olive Garden one year and I still use it today 5 years later.

If they let you save whenever you want it will greatly reduce the difficulty. *nudge* Skyrim

Was gonna buy the batteries thinking I'll never need any more AAs but alas Expiration Date: 10/2014

Because all the surplus RPGs laying around are cheaper than a demolition team with a few well placed explosives? I guess that takes all the fun out of it.

I like searching waaaay back on gizmodo and kotaku for what they thought the PS3 and 360 would look like as well as any major handheld.

That's what I do but I like this better.

After having a WP7, anything with small static icons does not impress me and looks dated. You can have all the cool backgrounds and widgets you want, but seeing a screen full of those icons always turns me off.

I graduated with a computer science degree from UT at Austin. That included taking an electrical engineering course in Fundamentals in Logic Design where we programed Spartan boards to do simple things like multiply binary numbers. This class looks like it would go a little deeper, but I was wondering with an Arduino

I wonder how hard it would be to make one of these yourself... Use an Arduino maybe?

"Kindle fire is the wii of tablets." I like that analogy. I'm going to steal that and use it as my own. Thank you.