
Fucking Fast and Furious movies have a lot to answer for. If you want to race, take it to a track. If you can’t find, or cannot afford, a track, then this ain’t the hobby for you. Find another one.

If it passes, it looks like somewhere around 2024-2027 (giving time for their mandate to go into effect) will be my last opportunity to buy a new car. Meh, based on what I’ve seen in the last decade, I’ve already been leaning more and more toward buying used anyway.

I would say that bad HOAs are a pox. Maybe it’s just me, but my HOA rules seem perfectly reasonable. They are basically: keep your property tidy, park your cars in the driveway and get major projects to your home approved first. Some of the covenants are indeed pretty nit-picky. I don’t see how any of it could be

Having a trailer also means needing a place to store it. It’s common for HOAs to not allow storing a trailer. From this perspective, trucks are “easier” to deal with.

First of all, it’s a Little Red Corvette and therefore I have to rate it NP. See avatar.

If you expect an even-handed opinion on a labor related article you are on the wrong website.

When the strike started, Warrior Met Coal immediately brought in scabs.

And here it is, the only necessary comment on this subject.

None. They can kiss my ass.

toxins like lead, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, isoparaffins, methyltert-butylether, MMT, MTBE,

They see engine failures as a reason to get right back up and give it another go.

It seems like if your whole deal is pushing engines to the point of catastrophic failure, you should, you know, prepare for that catastrophic failure. 

Crack Pipe.

Perhaps the only car ever that looks good with a vinyl top - at least as good as the standard version, in a slightly different way. 

People who slow down/brake when trying to merge onto an interstate highway.

  • Everyone else.

People making left turns who brake, then turn on their signal, then get into the turn lane. That’s not how you’re supposed to do it. You signal, then get in the turn lane, then break. When you make a left turn into the road, you better get our car moving, or at a minimum turn into the turn lane and get up to speed

No headlights/rear running lights at night. So many new cars even have automatic ones that sometimes I see a car and think, wow they had to manually turn them off. A lot of newer cars also have running lights that are always on so people think those are sufficient but they have no rear lights unless they brake. It

David needs to write more on here, and Jalop/Giz needs more writers like him.