
Remember the scene in Beverly Hills Cop where the kids go skateboarding down the road, slapping the cars with rolled up newspapers to set off the car alarms? Just some kids having some fun at the expense of the ‘elite’.

The robots can have my keys when they pry them from my cold dead hand.

Right on. Methinks Erik was not around for the Mustang IIs.

My mom had a Cutlass Calais with the Quad 4. Nineteen year old me thought it was pretty cool.

Everybody in this thread gets a star.


You would think that if the engineers could raise the side of the car three inches in 1/2 second, they could get the windows to roll up a little faster. Too bad if you’ve got your arm out the window, though.

Real butter on a Ritz?

We have a Chinese girl in our office. On more than one occasion, she’s microwaved squid.

Here’s my question:

‘04 TL owner here. Totally agree. Also has just the right amount of ‘tech’ for me.

That poor chute never had a chance.

Drive your own damn car: Hands on the wheel, feet on the pedals, eyes on the road/mirrors/gauges.


Or a golf ball and a golf club...

I’d have starred it had he spelled ‘Hobbes’ right.


Sports parents are the worst. Both teams. I sit in the corner by myself so I don’t need to hear you.

No no no. Bread and butter pickles are fantastic. Best on a hot dog.