"But the fire and the tiger, in addition to being the title of a very depressing short story…" It's nice to have a reviewer who is both literate and witty.
"But the fire and the tiger, in addition to being the title of a very depressing short story…" It's nice to have a reviewer who is both literate and witty.
Cool! I'm going to have to try that! (seriously though, Beema's avatar, what IS that?)
Y'know, I've been wondering, just what the hell is that, anyway?
Cancer: not necessarily fatal, but your life sucks anyway.
Well, if you mean "is it true?", then no, no joke, but "joke" does have more than one meaning…
Gary Busey.
True. Thought of that, didn't mention it.
Death by face/head extreme trauma/mutilation seem to be a trend now. Between this, what happened to that nice Mr. Martel from that other show, and one other occurance that I noticed at the time but cannot right now recall, I'm a little afraid of how things may go for Nucky or…
That is my guess as well, otherwise, what's the point? Eric caught up to her awfully fast, defended her from the assassins, and we did not see him kill her himself. Too much season left with a need for plot, what other plot could there be, and who else could be so instrumental at finding a cure than the disease's…
Maybe, but the storm sequence had more spectacle to it.
Fat chicks are better than potheads?
the best YOU'VE ever seen, unless you are up to posting some pics for the rest of us to appreciate.
Yes, but I know that if I was a disease, I wouldn't even go anywhere near her. Some diseases have self respect too, y'know.
My favourite album of theirs, hands down.
Waste of a good plane.
in a truly just world Tucker would have been aborted.
You must be thinking of ANOTHER unfunny hack who shouldn't and hopefully wouldn't ever host.
I would just like to ask why Stan has a poster of Moshe Dyan on his wall.
Their mothers, hopefully. And wives and children and close friends too. But no, not their fans.
Close, you're thinkning of Right, Said Fred.
Baby? Shit, I thought that was Patton Oswalt.