Mike Kozak

You are out of your fucking mind to think that your biased and bigotted bullshit is anywhere in the neighbourhood of fact and reason. Seriously, just what planet do you live on? Do you even KNOW any gay people? I do, thanks, and none of them was a sinning deviant. What kind of twisted "logic" looks at a whole group of

I don't THINK homosexual behavior is acceptable, I KNOW IT FOR FACT, though "accpetable" is not the right word, because obviously people like you don't find it so. I prefer "normal", "benign", or "morally neutral". But at least what I know, I KNOW, because of all the facts and reason I have on my side. And I partice

You don't think an opinion that incorrectly and hatefully malligns a whole group of innocent people is repugnant? That's your failing, sunshine. Don't put that on me to judge for you. If you cannot tell that your opinions are repugnant, you should probably get some help with that.

See, you are again wallowing in your own delsuions. Just becasue I deign not to entertain your pea brain with anything cogent, you think I have nothing cogent to add. I do, of sourse I do, I have, after all, all the facts and reason on my side. It's just that with you types, I'm not likely to convince you that you're

Sorry, pea-brain, let me clarify: My "gays are evil" is just a catch-all for all the nasty, stupid, and most importantly, incorrect things people say about gay people. Sad that I'd have to eplain that to you. Let me know if you need your shoes tied for you. And as long as I'm taking glee in insulting your

I find it difficult to believe that you could feel any stupider.

Now I'm just feeling sorry for your mother for some reason… she was obviously incapable of raising a man to think for himself.

tolerance is NOT universal, only people with repugnant "opinions" that are otherwise indefensible say such assinine things.

I'M confused about the definition of "opinion"? heh… that's rich. There is no moral difference between gay people and straight people, and you have to be a bigotted fool not to know this. Some gay people ARE deviants, to be sure, just as many straight people are deviants. But just being gay? To say that is deviant is

Go away and look up the meaning of the word "opinion". I'd be surprised to hear that it contains any reference to allowing blatant flasehoods based on personal tastes and intellectual shortcomings. I stand by what I said. "gay are evil" is as intellectually invalid as "2+2=5" and no one should be able to get away with

"The truth is, everyone's opinions are equally valid." Really? How about my opinion that 2+2=5? Is that valid? How about my opinion that you are a mentally retarded kiddie-diddler? Is THAT valid? No, of course not. We have to stop allowing people to be factually incorrect just because it is their "opinion". Anyone who

Tollerance only applies when you aren't factually incorrect and proudly hateful about it. Why should modern scociety continue to allow blatant flasehoods to be perpetuated in the name of bigotry and ignorance?

Ignorant, bigotted, fucktared hicks. They cannot die off fast enough.