Mike Kopstain

This guy is putting in his case for Troll of the Year 2015, and we are barely 3 months in!

lollerskates? That's cute. Almost as cute as a 535i running away from an M5 on the street (cough, I mean track) or wait, now I am complete confused. Which is the better car? And on what platform (i.e. street or track) does it only count?

Okay, it's too confusing now. I give (for the 1000th time). A 535i with a JB4 is

I don't even believe this. Show a receipt then. Why would you be selling this car for 25k if you dumped 4k in rims/tires (and that pricey JB4)? Why? Show the receipt - else, it came from eBay. I think you are a liar through and through.

"This off-season marked the start of a long, expansive, expensive, and arguably unnecessary renovation project at Wrigley Field."

I understand, and did read the article - however, I do not understand how you can/still are saying that it is a better car. It isn't in the same league in the handling department, braking department - and pretty much every "department" that makes a sports car, well - a sports car. One is a seriously quick sports


It's an awesome word - and sounds great. Just let it roll off the tongue a few times - add it to the dictionary, and be done with it. This war over this awesome word has gone on for too long. :)

Agreed. When people drive both, they will "get it" - until then, they believe they found some "BMW Loophole" where you get a better/faster/better handling/etc. car for less money.

Nope. Around a track, you would have to do more than put a fucking JB4 on an 535i to keep up with an M5 on a track. We are comparing performance here - so remember, the car cannot overheat/limp/etc...

I couldn't read anymore after you "literally" shuddered. Because, you "literally" didn't.

I think it's the best word ever. Irregardless, what's it got to do with anything? Besides, it's not argument - it's scientific fact. :)

you did not RTA, with a few cheap & simple mods they are almost the same speed. most M cars share the platform so most of the suspension/brakes will bolt onto non M, it's always been this way.

You can't be serious. This is just a way to justify a purchase. There is in no way/shape/form a 535i is on the same page (let alone book) as an M5. You realize that this car shares almost ZERO mechanical parts with a 535i, and has much higher rigidity, much better suspension/suspension geometry/etc. - and overall,

I've said it many a times, how much or how little car would it take to upset the big titans?

What about for our friends in India? Is there a setting for allowing drivers to drive on whatever side of the road they damn well please?

He probably just parked it in a garage until the number of stars went back down to zero——that's how most career criminals get away with stuff like this.

They were only ever in it for the dough anyway.

How could one man raise such different children.

sounds like the advice someone gave me on used Porsches, Don't buy one if you can't afford 2.