Mikekearn supports the old layout

@Mikekearn has an overly long username: Side note - an "arcade" opened up recently at the local mall. I say "arcade" because while it says arcade on the sign, it only has slightly more machines than you'd see at a movie theater lobby or whatever, and half of them don't work even though it's only been open for a few

@FyreFlyeRush: I've played a lot of free browser games before. Some of them were barely above MUD status; unlike these Facebook games, I played games that were almost entirely text. Just because they are web based and free doesn't mean they are devoid of value. The only reason I don't play those games anymore is

Sounds like malarkey to me. If what I've read about these hacks are true, nothing short of a new PS3 release will stop the hackers. And of course, that only deters people from buying the new one, if the PSP hacker scene is anything to judge by.

@FP_slomo788: I think they are just so your thumbs can feel where they are supposed to be. Like the little bumps on the F and J keys on most keyboards. Just my guess.

Good for them. It's still not a game I'm terribly interested in, but it's nice to see the smaller MMOs surviving.

@luce1sw: If it's new and unopened, then it shouldn't be scratched. If it is, then yes, you can return it and get a new disc that isn't scratched.

@firemblem420: Obviously he does. If you don't like it, you're free to recreate all the hard work yourself. Considering how much time a lot of modders put in to their work, it's their right to get the proper credit for what they've accomplished.

@kevin.beck88: It makes perfect sense, because a lot of these major mods include original content, like texture packs, 3d models, voice work, sound effects, and many other things that they spend time and money creating. Bethesda retains the copyright and mods using their assets, but any original assets are the sole

@leetNightshade: It depends on what exactly you are planning on doing, and who makes the anime. Copyright laws vary from country to country. If it's a Japanese anime (which seems likely) then you're on your own, I don't know. If it's American, then you could probably make it, as long as you're clear that it's just a

@Majoraskull: People put a lot of hard work into those mods, and rightfully want recognition. He just took their work and submitted to a mod pack without their permission, which is rude, and illegal in some cases, if the mod in question has player-made content.

@natedogXVI: Games and consoles cost a lot less to develop back then, and the high prices reflected the novelty that brand new systems had. The prices always came down a lot after the consoles were out for several years. Especially with the PS2, which is still selling fairly well in Japan. There is no way games would

@crews200: The games came down in price a lot after the consoles were out for years, especially as newer consoles came out. The console wars were a lot different then, with consoles coming out more often from more companies, causing more competition. It will happen eventually to this generation, but with the amount

Comes with new mode: shake to win! Just rattle your table slightly, and knock all those damned pigs straight to hell!

@despiteful: They do that because a large number of those games never sell. If they could guarantee sales of those games, they would give you more money for them. The problem is, very few people will ever want to play Madden 03 for the PS2 when Madden 11 for the PS3 is available. Hence, they still offer the game for

@Strey: You get games for a discount. That's positive.

@Maniac536: Then don't buy those discs. You can ask to look at the disc before you buy it, and even if it is scratched, it will probably still work anyway. If it doesn't, you get a full week to return it for any reason. Hell, buy it, beat the game, and return it within the week. There's nothing stopping you.

@dodgerx: How old was the game? For games less than a month old, they usually offer about $50. If it's more than six months old, though, they are only going to be selling it for $30-40, so of course you're not going to get a huge amount for it. They have to make money, after all.

@Goldwings: Well obviously I take the cover out if I'm going to be pouring rubbing alcohol on the case. I've seen the blow dryer suggestion before, but I've also seen covers get warped because of the heat. It's a fine line to walk, and I prefer to avoid it.

@Tuxed: Only WGA members are eligible to win. RDR writers were not WGA members.