Mike Jone

They are just not covering them up anymore.

She still is kind of geeky though so I can somewhat buy it, but not totally.

I liked it seemed like a B to B+ episode to me, I think the separate story lines work. No show makes me laugh more or more in the first minute. But to each their own. If people don't like the show fine but don't see why they get so angry about it, it is just TV, trivial entertainment.

I can't agree on the last point he was in a relationship at the time, and yes Priya did cheat but still.

Wasn't there only one breakup in season 3, hard to count the first date going badly as a breakup as only one date. But I agree.

No reason we can't continue to discuss.

The nice guy thing is not a Hollywood thing but a thing invented by guys who can't find dates and need something to blame.

Yeah that why she initially went out with him, but the fact that she fell for him after that bad date, shows there is more to it. Looks can be a factor but like I said On the surface it may not make sense because if you use the standard 1-10 scale of looks, Penny seem to be an 8-9 and Leonard a 5. But these are people

Why is that a better ending? Seems like a worst one to me. I think like ross and rachel its their one true pairing.

Bad sex it lasted 9 minutes, only place it lasts longer is porn.

Yeah maybe the writers need to flush out what they have in common more. Could be a good storyline.

Oh please stop with the nice guys can't get girls, its been proven plenty of times that is an excuse and its not because they are nice they can't get a girl.

Also if Raj and Penny were to date wouldn't they have done it after they "slept" together when both single?

That was thoughtful of Leonard to suggest he take someone else, he jhates sports as we saw.

Ok so its fine if you don't like Leonard and Penny, we are all entitled to our opinions. But if you don't do you really believe they won't end up together and aren't endgame?

Please working just fine

Leonard not a dick at all, Sheldon on the other hand.

Please they are not breaking up, at all. They are fine now both matured and are in a comfortable place in their relationship. No way Raj and Penny is feasible.

But its a sitcom, not real life.

they don't always fight most of the time seem like a loving caring couple