
That's kind of the problem - after watching Season 2, I'm *still* not sure what it was supposed to be about. It made zero forward progress in any aspect of the broader Marvel universe. There were some good individual episodes but on the whole, if you didn't watch season 2, you literally missed NOTHING of importance.

There were some great one-liners in this episode, but overall, it was a very disappointing finale. The second season should have ended in the desert two (or was it one?) episodes ago. That seemed like the natural climax to the season and then we got extra plot tacked on that felt anticlimactic.

Some random comments on this episode:

Best line of the entire episode was Jarvis saying he didn't want to be a disembodied voice the rest of his life.

I didn't love this show as much as Oliver did. I thought the first hour, in particular, was clunky, with some very odd editing choices and abrupt scene switches. The second hour was better, but I still thought overall it was less impressive than nearly anything from the first season.

Really? Wow. It seems much longer ago than that.

Hey, at this point, I'm just happy that the writers remembered that Penny is a pharmaceutical sales rep, because THAT plotline disappeared for about two entire seasons.

So Fantastic 4 must have been #21, right? Because heaven knows it was the worst movie *I* saw this year (for free, on a cruise ship, and I still wanted my money back) having seen none of the 20 on this list.

I never saw it during its first run, but I've watched the whole thing on Netflix. A terrific show.

"Theory: Bernadette works for Better Off Ted’s Veridian Dynamics."

I really liked last night's episode - thought it was one of the highlights of the season.

It's funny (no irony intended) because I fully expected AV Club to totally demolish this episode and give it a low rating … and they didn't. So, huzzah!

It's better than Continuum.

I came to AVC today figuring this episode would get a B+ or A- and was stunned to find this low rating. I think Oliver is being way too harsh on this episode. But that's fine. Oliver didn't like last night's show as much as I did.
The accidental "you know that I love you" was, for me, a pivotal point of the entire

I came to AVC today figuring this episode would get a B+ or A- and was stunned to find this low rating. I think Oliver is being way too harsh on this episode. But that's fine. Oliver didn't like last night's show as much as I did.
The accidental "you know that I love you" was, for me, a pivotal point of the entire