The newest Raspberry Pi, Mr. Beams spotlights, and Pyrex food storage dishes lead off Wednesday’s best deals.
The newest Raspberry Pi, Mr. Beams spotlights, and Pyrex food storage dishes lead off Wednesday’s best deals.
I’m not an adult, I’m a child who’s levelled up.
But this July, there will be a Catbus that adults can also board.
Gotta say, I don’t think most cosplayers do deserve to be reimbursed for their time and effort. I hate that something that started out as fans making costumes in their free time is now being turned into a showcase for professionals. It gets worse when people compare the work of someone with a full time job doing it as…
Im fine with cons hiring cosplayers for panels and whatnot - if they want them.
Importantly, one must remember that there is no such thing as a Golden Showa Day.
Trans girls aren't young men. And, if they're going through any hormonal changes, it's probably the same ones your daughter would be going through, because we have modern medicine now that does such things. So, how about you either take a chill pill, or have the decency to own your transphobia. Don't hide behind your…
“Do you feel it appropriate for a 13-year-old girl to be exposed to the anatomy of a boy?”
Trans women aren’t men, so shouldn’t be a problem for your hypothetical teenage daughter.
A “young woman” would not be using a shared bathroom with “young men” - a transgendered person would be using it with one (and only one) of those groups.
Bethseda Furious — Want Exclusive Rights to Break Their Own Games
Hopefully they don’t kill this by the time I get around to playing.
I almost never see movies in the theater anymore (the siren song of being able to watch films in the comfort of my living room with my hand wrapped around a beer and the liberty to pause when I need to pee is too strong, plus, obviously, the $$$$ factor) but I am definitely going to shell out for this one. I freaking…
Ok, i Know I’ve said this a thousand times, but I’ll keep saying it.
We could start a kickstarter for an investigation to find out.
Stupid collectables I can ignore. Sidequests, however...
I hear ya. I’ve ruined so many game experiences for myself trying (and often succeeding) to 100% a game. I’ve actually stopped playing most open world games because of this. Not because I don’t like them, but because I simultaneously don’t enjoy but can’t help trying to get all the things.
No, it’s that a 16 yo vagina SHOULD BE LARGELY INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM THAT SAME VAGINA AT 18 YO OR 20 YO UNLESS A BABY HAS PASSED THROUGH IT. Vaginas do not change that much just from having sex or having exams. If yours did, that’s okay! Talk about it! That’s YOUR right, as it’s YOUR vagina. But a grown-ass man…
That’s exactly what I’m saying. The whole concept of tight/loose is all about hetero men and their desires, and it’s fucking gross. Why the hell would any woman want to encourage that?