Agreed, I'm really curious about the green smoke one.
Agreed, I'm really curious about the green smoke one.
Agreed! I always saw these paintings as the person in them looking at the painter. Also, HOW they looked at the painter always added an interesting point of view to the painting.
I really really want one!! <3
Seconded! I ended up hiding my older sister's vinyl record audio book of it, just because the picture of E.T on it freaked me out.
The tubes in the bottom picture spell "Google".
It all looks like the insides of various fruits.
Ehh...I'd prefer less Apple, and more more timey wimey!
My immediate thought was ancient whale that had been trapped in ice.
The smaller version of the first map really effed up my eyes. Making the land blue and the water white made me not understand what kind of map that was...
We have to agree to disagree on Darth Vader without the helmet :)
Why do you have to see the face if the point is to show off helmet designs?
I don't know, all I'm getting is "way to state the obvious"...
I don't know...put another habitable planet here, and I bet Jar Jar Binks would be on it.
ENOUGH WITH THESE HORRIBLE SOFT LENSED FLASHBACKS ALREADY! This season is seriously disappointing, and every Amelia scene makes me cringe.
No BSG, really? Also missing all the Star Wars helmets...
I prefer this one, by the same guy:
I watched it before reading this, and noticed it being Swedish from the graffittied wall at 04:37 saying "Emil suger neger KUK" = "Emil sucks nigger COCK". It really did stand out seeing as all the other graffitti was in English.
Ah, so now - instead of being down here stargazing, you can be up there, lightgazing. Neat!
The building in the third picture has a face. Kinda space invader looking.
Does anyone know what the song is? It really reminds me of Boards of Canada...