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No way, those are just people dancing with lights on. The japanese team play with visuals in a way that is WAY more intriguing. Mangaesque.

Oh this was hilarious! Rats luuuurve crumpled paper!

That was one Kafkaesque nightmare...

Now playing

So much of this song reminds me of good old Looper...

Ow, imagine the smell of that burnt pickle...not such a great mood heightener...


Women of the future - will be doing what men already do. Feminism as sci-fi. Whoah.

People with Aspbergers make the coolest physicists.

Oh wonderful...but damn there's a lot of goo on the glass in front of the camera lens o.O

The music made me laugh too much to watch it...

Alien facehugger left behind another baby.

This'd look totally awesome during the beginning credits of a sci-fi film.

Metoometoometoo!!!! *jumps up and down*

Same here, but I did tend to miss out daylight a lot, which made me more tired...

Ooooh, I wish I'd live in the future with Cooking Shows - in Space!

Wow, love the concept. Love the ending quote.

I'd vote for Samantha Morton. I think she'd pull of the seriousness aswell as the quirkyness of The Doctor real well.

Simply doooooorable <3 Looking forward to upcoming blockbuster "War Mouse".

Looks pretty good, but the Japanese hiphop made my ears bleed.