
@nbergseng: Well they do have cameras on top of the lights just like the ones that do have the pavement sensors

Technically my 360 and PC are in my bedroom but I also technically don't have a living room. My bedroom is the entire top floor of my house and it has the 73" DLP so it pulls double duty as a living room. My son has a Wii, PS2, and PS1 in his room though.

one question: WHY?!?!?!?!?!

@norgeboy_video: That would be: Stay Classy, 55th. Which also happens to be the first, only, and last wing I was a part of after Tech School. Also, Shanahan, the current Wing CC has a great sense of humor for a CC(really good guy. Was in the Admin building for processing my separation and he saw me walking down

@nbergseng: Omaha NE has lights that rely completely on cameras I think. At least I don't see any break in the pavement at some lights for the wires and do at others.

Reading over the comments I seem to be in the minority in having liked both movies. I saw the first one on a friends suggestion and enjoyed it quite a bit and when the second came out I saw it and rather enjoyed it. I told the same friend who first mentioned the original to me and he said, "Yeah, but you liked the

@SophieJKL: I'd be down with that assuming it was intended to be humorous as Duke is.

@charlesfro: Considering the man's work ethic my guess is watching film and studying game plans in preparation of the lockout ending.

I totally hope Woodhead gets it. Would be really random to see someone like him on the cover of Madden. Plus it would be in a Patriots jersey and we all know the Pats deserve at least one guy on the cover after the amazing decade of football they gave us.

@Edfire77: The only issue i have with the dual shock is its convex sticks and L2/R2 I wish they were more trigger like.

@B-1Pilot: And what the hell do you know? I was a Comm troop supporting USSTRATCOM and browsing the web had absolutely no effect on my ability to do my mission. I spent a year in the basement monitoring systems where there was literally nothing to do outside of my computer unless something went wrong or we were

Meh. I doubt anything will pry chrome from my cold, dead hands but IE9 just replaced firefox as my wider supported browser for school so thats something

@ihouse217: Ah I see. Well in that case your best option is to set up a windows virtual machine and watch it.

That is an extremely cute dog. Great Dane?

@marybethcarroll: switch in each room is perfectly fine. a switch is nothing but a traffic cop for your network.

@ihouse217: um, probably? its no different than say HBO which requires you to be subscribed to a programming provider which requires the services devices.

@Masterpain22: Why would he reveal that? Using your example if he stated up front that he was a dev on the game his opinion would hold no weight and would likely be dismissed by the vast majority of people or quite possibly people wouldn't believe he was a dev. So what's the point? Besides, for me I wouldn't

@KingHippo: Oh god I wish. A Mario American Football game would be epic beyond imagining. But what would it be called? Mario Tacklers?

@ThreeOneFive: Yeah. If nothing else just sell the PS3 version or split it with a friend.