
Kirk, doublechop!

he soothes himself with the dying squalls of cattle being butchered just like old folks listen to Prairie Home Companion….ahhhh

I think I would have gorilla glued them in my ears before discharging a pistol in a trunk with my head in it, but maybe that's just me.

Ever heard of earplugs?

yes, and now up to date, I really can't stand her, and think Shameless should have just ended, she ruined it………

those four grandparents could really shit a bed

his way of saying “fucking” is as firm as his perfect food, and he believes in wiping after farts too

excuse me, smells like some old rotten gravy…

You had me at a full human shit in Bruce's Mets Cap…

and/or thanks for the Lemonboots Lemoncloak…

"You're getting old."
"He's not."

Now if the US government did something like this……

Marjorie's smile that she can't wipe off her face….

that's just what Richard said, which you can adjust tabs to however many spaces you want them to be in various applications. 3 or 4 spaces seems good to me, as long as it never changes along the way.

Richard says that there are 8 spaces in a tab, and that spaces take up more memory (not to mention wrecking space bars). Anyway, tabs are more efficient and everybody should use them over spaces.

the way Belson kept looking to his lawyers for some medieval loophole….haha


I'd D plus this season, but I don't like grades, and why aren't we talking about Argentina?

It seems pretty clear to me that Michelle's best move was ousting Neil from the jury. He may have helped illustrate how Aubry played a better game, although her game was shit at times too… all the players this season were imperfect in one way or another, one reason why I found it entertaining and unpredictable.

assholes are the best