
always with the somebody farted in here face

you have to be already brain-damaged to take it to the next level with a Four Loko

somewhere a gothic cathedral is missing its gargoyles

thought he had the farts by the headline

the hardest button to button...

No poop story made me poop, wanna hear it? Here it goes....poop

Yeah? what other show?

wouldn’t those fetuses be like jerky after a while?

yeah, I laughed and remembered what I was watching…

I thought, someone's a Frisky Dingo fan when Fisher used the dead campers as dummies a la Killface ventriloquisting Trent. "Yeah! Turns out I have termites."

Not that it matters at all, but Heather hobbling around with a makeshift crutch with a bone sticking out of her leg was a little much to look past.

All Drudge can think of is being raped by a big hairy bear.

“I fartedted!”

It was like a luau, really enjoyed it...

Now if it was 120 minutes of donkey shit…

“If I..... could thank you until tomorrow and the next day, and take out a second mortgage, and reverse it, and sell my kids, it still wouldn’t be enough to make you forget about all the dick pics would it?”

“I hit you with da smell good!”

I'm not trying to be "too cool" for anything. I just hate the sound of her is all. I feel the same way about country music. It makes me forlorn.

I think Keenan's Papi is no where near as funny as Willy, and if I hear him say "mofongo" as a punchline within a litany of Hispanic cuisine one more time that he's so proud he can pronounce quickly, I might just have to jam a pencil in my left ear… honestly, this is why Keenan is mediocre so much, people laugh at his

Adele is monotonous and endlessly depressing. She sings this one infinite song where she caterwauls and wails off-key like people with ears that work are supposed to like that. I hear her and I want to cut my wrists the right way.