
is this the free one?

That he put a slice of bologna in each shoe so that he would feel funny, that's the key to Steve…

What’s wrong with the sink?

I wonder if he's still a person…

I thought that thing on her face was a raisin.

Wow, they suck more than suck....

whenever you want to induce farting, look no further

He made the sound of an animal.

he felt real enough to that one guy….

Jammer's worthless as a navigator…doesn't even notice where the sun's setting.

okay, who barfed in Mary Poppins’ umbrella?

she spells like she seems

shoulda stuck to deez nuts

that wasn’t so bad...I was all braced to find out it was poop bukkake or something like that

knob blocked? I had no idea he was such a...

shoulda never hired him....

“Pandemic!!! Got that Pandemic!”

How much is it per fart? I want stats!

or the sink…but then how does he fall and kill himself?

you had me at upper decker