
I didn't think I could despise Cersei any more until I saw her modeled a la Taylor Swuft.

next Taylor and Tyler need to leave

"Pika-chu, PiKAchu, pikapika chu" Translation: Yeah, Snap deserves an article.

Was being semi-jokey with this, but I'm thrilled to see that this spin off is so popular! I hope to see it on the Wii-U VC so I can buy and covet it. PIK-A-CHUUUUUU!!!!!!!

Pokemon Snap?

That Darn Murderer

Yes, definitely a Konami masterpiece for the N64, and one of the best looking and playing games the console ever knew. Love the Boss Fights! "GO! GO! GO!"

and Shadow Man!

I want Goemon's Great Adventure!

"I wasn't properly salinated!" (fume!fume!fume!)

4 out of 5 unconscionable dentists approve...

War Horse tolly doesn't need a sequel...

Pig that poops on its own balls deserves a nonverbal honorable mention.

wall kicks will work

Chrimbus miracles are so