Smyth Performance Engineer

Well, our vehicle maintains the original crash structure of the Golf/Jetta in front. You can keep the soft plastic dash and front airbags. The tubular chassis is very beefy and offers outstanding protection for a 2550lb car.

The greatest part about building a kit car yourself is that you can put as many fire extinguishers in it as you see fit. I don't think it will be very useful to have one with the diesel.

Wait... did I not just give you my personal phone number? I also use e-mail and pretty much all the other modern forms of communication. I don't know what else to do for you! :P

I think you just need to recheck your math a little bit. What is relevant are the gear ratios and the area under the hp graph that each gear uses. (The "graph" X-axis is rpm, Y-axis is HP)

Guys. Guys. Come on now.

The button isn't completely lying.

Hey Chip!

Shared dealership, however, I don't recall seeing other Scions there just the FR-S.

I bought my FR-S off a Toyota lot.

Why not have a different speed limit for daytime and nighttime driving? Speed limits during the day should be up around 110mph anyway, and speed limits during the night should not exceed 70-75mph IMHO.

Right on, Matt. 3 pedals FTW. My old username (that I can't log-in to now?) was manual_tranny. It's about the joy, and it's about being a real machine operator. If you want to go around the track 0.03s faster than everyone else, program the car to do it by itself. (Cue classic Top Gear UK automated BMW scene).

Funny! But it doesn't make the Porsche look any better.... ;)

I'm still tearing my eyeballs out from all of the ugly. I'm not sure how you guys came to the conclusion that it's anything but hideous.

I disagree.

It sounds like you need a trip to Flint, MI to re-calibrate your sense of fear. NYC is an incredibly safe city and you'd have to be a xenophobe to believe that you need a gun with you everywhere you go.

Is it just me, or does anyone else resent the way that they break up the footage into hundreds of 1-2 second clips?