
I had to go back and rewatch parts of two different episodes to figure this out. Charlie Lange says during his second interrogation that LeDeaux has a spiral BRAND on his back, not tattoo. And right before Marty offs him, they make a point of showing that brand scar on LeDeaux's back.

This might be the bes article yet

There is plenty of A-quality entertainment that isn't part of the "national dialogue". I don't even understand the logic there. This was the best episode of this season, and this season is better than the first season. A- seems about right. Geez.

Glad to see Jon Voight get some recognition instead of that hack Aaron Paul.

How, exactly, was the 'Twin Bed' song "underwhelming"? The jokes were coming so fast I had to rewatch it.

Yep, that is definitely the reason. You totally nailed it.