Mike D'Angelo


Well, Condorcet Method sites based off of Hot or Not's premise popped up well before FaceMash.

Maybe my memory is mistaken, but I think that site was missing the comparison factor. You were voting on a single individual. (Admittedly Tinder is also one photo at a time, but the fact that they're all people near you whom you can contact makes it an implicit comparison.)

As far as I can tell that term applies exclusively to men, and mostly to men from Europe. But you may be right, though if there was no taboo than the ending of this film is exceedingly odd.

I do agree, actually.

At the time I saw Knocked Up I hadn't watched SNL for years and had no clue who Wiig was. Her first scene in the movie, all I could think was "who the hell is that and where did she come from?!"

The thing is, they have plausible deniability, because nothing is shown. It's just implied due to the earlier dialogue scene. If called on it, they can always say "the kids are screaming because someone is shooting at them, or because they were in a car accident." I'm sure that was thought through pretty carefully.

The guy sells furniture for a living. His life is ruined when he has an affair with a woman named Dusty.

I don't go F unless there's literally nothing of value. Heigl's performance as discussed in the first paragraph saved it. But I'm very bell-curvy as a grader so even a D- is almost unspeakably awful by my standards.

People are asking about the rape thing, so let me elaborate.

At least I don't write sentences that say "they will not only X" without going on to say what else they'll do.

No. Mason isn't present during the initial Ernesto scene. Or he is, but he's over with his dad by the car, not at all within earshot of the conversation. Also, not everything in the film is seen through Mason's eyes. Example: the conversation between his parents at his graduation party (where Dad tells Mom she did a

No, you couldn't cut them. They just needed to be finessed a lot better than they are.

I meant when the shade is on. Thanks.

It was put on hiatus, but it seems unlikely to return at this point. I think the pageview numbers were not so great.

Well, I give like 4 A-minuses a year. In a good year. If that helps you calibrate. (If you think this is likely to be one of the three or four best films of 2015, disregard.)

It's not so much that no critic would dismiss those two films as that no critic would dismiss them so casually/flippantly, as if everyone agrees that they're tiresome. But clearly the attempt at humor fell flat.

"I just saw nothing here that suggested the cadence of a joke"

I'm stunned that anyone would not recognize that the "ho-hum" was a joke.

Guardians of the Galaxy was, honestly, with no posing whatsoever, my…let me check…85th favorite film of 2014. (That's a B. I saw well over 200 commercial releases this year.)