Mike D'Angelo

Sorry, I'm not accepting assessments of my tone or conduct from someone who entered this conversation with a move as dickish as simply putting a single word I'd written in quotation marks, by way of implying that it was ridiculous. Behave like an asshole and I'll respond in kind, without apology or regret.

I think she has the potential to be terrific in dramatic roles. It's just that this particular role is conceived as borderline autistic. It'd defeat almost anybody.

That joke wouldn't be so "funny" had Joseph II actually made an argument rather than simply saying "too many notes," would it?


You omitted the 'p' from 'hyphens.'

Here's what I wrote on my site the last time I revisited it.

If you're gonna accuse someone of not writing in English, try not to say "re-phase" when you mean "rephrase."

I upgrade everything one notch for this site, so here Casablanca would be an A- and Kane a flat A. (My actual grading scale is so strict that it would regularly start riots.)

Miami Blues. (Not kidding.)

Sorry I don't just rubberstamp every single canonical movie. Plenty of other critics do if that's what you're looking for.

I did watch it alone this time, but I've seen it with an audience previously (and had more or less the same reaction). It's fun; I just don't think it's nearly on the same level as Safety Last!, much less something like Seven Chances or The Gold Rush.

At the risk of further pedantry, let me try this one more time.

If by "thin-skinned" you mean "arguing with people who tell me I'm wrong, but in fact don't know what they're talking about." See my comments elsewhere regarding why the other sources aren't particularly useful.

No. That's how you tell what people who rate movies on those sites thought of them. A very specific subset of people that's not at all representative of people in general. CinemaScore polls audience members at random.

Thing is, though, IMDb ratings (and the others you cite) involve a self-selecting group of people. That's not nearly as informative as a random sample* like CinemaScore. And there's no way some cranky old people could drag the grade down to a C- if most people liked it. Most people didn't.

$76 million is the worldwide gross. It made only about half that in the U.S., and it's the American audience I'm talking about. In any case, that's not really relevant—The Blair Witch Project made a ton of money, but most people hated it.

I mentioned the C- CinemaScore rating, which polls opening-weekend viewers. That's a really bad score. Not enough for you?

Okay, but why not just wait for this year's Cannes, then?

I didn't think it was worth an entire Spoiler Space, but those with no plans to see this movie (good job) who are curious about what's in the bag can plug this into rot13.com to have the "big surprise" spoiled.

I haven't seen it at all, so I looked it up before writing that. IMDb has English and French as its languages.