We really don’t have the time dissect all of that just now, but we would recommend reading the whole interview for more insight into what goes on in the mind of a QAnon diehard.
We really don’t have the time dissect all of that just now, but we would recommend reading the whole interview for more insight into what goes on in the mind of a QAnon diehard.
I would say America has predictably approached the COVID-19 pandemic the same way we’ve approached gun violence, skyrocketing health care costs, immigration, declining education, any pretty much every crisis this nation is facing: by letting a minority of incredibly stupid, ignorant, short-sighted, selfish amoral…
Oh, yeah, I heard about that - apparently said character was just carrying a copy of the relevant law around in his pocket. What a bizarre scene.
Wait until the fourth one where Bay cold stops the movie to explain why its totally cool for one of the characters to bang an underage girl.
He is still holding a grudge over Tulsageddon. K-pop and TikTok fans really screwed him over with the fake registrations. You don’t mess with kids that literally grew up with social media. They invented cyberbullying.
His Hamlet is probably fine for most people, it just personally hit me wrong every step of the way. I tend to prefer the more minimal Shakespeare adaptations that highlight the performances, so I was already going to be skeptical. So the flashiness of it annoys me, it annoys me that the ghost was 15 feet tall, it…
I always found Gohmert’s stupidity quite humorous in the past. Those days a long over. All these fucking fascists need to be ousted. Gohemrt can go back to Texas and mismanage some ghost town Dairy Queen.
I thought I’d share some happy news with y’all.
The CW’s Riverdale may have more than enough scripted drama to go around, but it still seems to lack substantial…
And the thing is, I dont’ think she’s that bad, at least, not as she’s made to appear in the ‘75 adaptation. Increasingly I find that film (and the story) to be misogynistic and prejudiced against the need and importance of mental health, and I thought Nurse Ratched came off as competent and committed to her job.
“tattle on their neighbors”
I try to avoid this kind of thinking, but I’m getting kinda pissed off at extroverts. I mean, why do they need social interaction that badly?
Is that a Joe Rogan quote?
Any fans of the Sarah Connor Chronicles here?
And when these trick ass mark demi-white supremacists (“I’m not saying Black people are all the same...I’m just saying they need to calm down and not be so angry all the time. I didn’t do anything wrong!”) feeemales* voting states show most of them STILL voted for Trump, you’ll be sure to remind us about this piece,…
I realize this is off-topic, and I’m going to sound like Queen Petty...but can I just say how that picture show how spectacularly (and poorly) the Orange-in-Chief is aging? Or more appropriately, rotting?
. “He’s brought more division to this country than we’ve seen since the Civil Rights Act.”
Trump made every aspect of his personality clear long before he was elected president. People who now regret voting for Trump are either stupid or liars.
Take Jane Scilovati, a Pennsylvania schoolteacher who recently told the New York Times that the way Trump handles issues of race is a “disgrace” and “deplorable,” and that she regrets her decision to vote for him in 2016. “He doesn’t have any compassion or empathy; he doesn’t reference historical facts correctly,” she…
If it take 20-25 minutes for him to get through that test, he may not have done as well as he thinks. They should have asked him to repeat “Stop, defending, traitors, and, slavers”, I’ll bet he wouldn’t have done as well.