
Lets recall the timeline. Snider started the film. A family tragedy pulled him away from the project. Whedon was called in as a ‘hired gun’ to save the film from being discarded before finishing. Whedon found a mish-mash of filmed scenes and set to work trying to make a semi-coherent story out of them. Feelings got

I recall very very early interviews with Depp where he was obviously stoned out of his mind with slurred speech and rambling thoughts. This was back before Heard was even a gleam in her father’s eye. A youthful ‘bad boy’ is in danger of devolving into a middle-aged ‘train wreck’. There’s nothing particularly charming

The recent resurgence of musicals was heralded five years ago by the series ‘Crazy Ex Girlfriend’ (also ‘Hamilton’ the same year, but that production is in an entirely different class). CxGF was sardonic, ribald and self-aware in a way that made the musical numbers palatable. The lessons learned from CxGF have been

In a related story, just two days ago, after a year long hiatus, the podcast ‘My Dad Wrote A Porno’ returned with part of one their annual Christmas special! If you are uninitiated to this podcast’s joys, the 30-something host reads out his 60-something father’s ‘erotic literature’ Five books deep to date and starting

Snider spent seventy million dollars basically remaking a bad film that flopped because it turned out his edited version of it turned out to be worse then the one that got released.

When people tell you the US is a ‘wealthy country’ they’re talking about a small handful of individuals who hold more of the national wealth than half the citizenry combined. While the rest of us are being told by the ‘elites’ to hobo-fight each other for 20 bucks.

I’ve come to dislike space movies. I used to love them. Now I feel they give us false hope, a misplaced faith in... well... engineering.

I had to look up Paul W. S Anderson. My first thought was ‘Ah, at least this one’s not an American!’

Warner’s owner AT&T had purchased, murdered then cannibalized a popular worldwide Asian content streaming service that I used, leaving its vast library of shows to die. Because they wanted to get their hands on it streaming infrastructure. Oh, and they kept my subscription money, too.

Now playing

This is a popular Asian drama genre.
Korean makjang TV dramas are filled with rich multi-generational chaebol families headed by despotic patriarchs, birth secrets, hidden mistresses and clever ambitious daughters. (‘Makjang’ translates roughly as ‘takes things too far’, and a ‘chaebol’ is an elite family with

There’s that segment of the population, too, that believe ‘royalty’ is an actual thing and not a centuries old mob family shakedown racket.

Don’t forget getting caught being passed faked Hunter Biden stuff from Russian agents.

Disney’s hegemonic ambitions are expensive. They spent three hundred million in a disastrous bid to woo China with Mulan. They’re just throwing money at Disney+ in a desperate attempt to keep subscribers from opting out after their free trial membership is over.

Imagine 50 years from now the embarrassed families of former Trump supporters issuing heartfelt apologies for grand-dad’s bizarre behavior back in 2016-20. Hah, I’m just joking. That won’t happen. Because an asteroid named Apophsis is scheduled to hit earth in 48 years.

First, it appears I spent all Saturday thinking it was Friday because time no longer means anything.

What’s the legal concept? Is it like a publisher paying an author a cash advance in lieu of future profits then wanting their money back if the book doesn’t sell? Otherwise, it sounds like the manager was happy to accept the rewards if the project went big but not the risks if it didn’t.

The notion that decent people could ever be Trumpers is, in the words of Twitter, ‘disputed’.

There’s something quintessentially American about the notion that our very cluelessness somehow will make the world worth saving. You know that old saying, if your only tool is a hammer...

It hilarious that for Fox New she’s wearing pushup bra and more eye shadow than a Las Vegas hooker but for the committee meeting she was wearing glasses to look ‘smart’.

I just read a report that she’s currently on probation. For doing the sorts of stuff where a court usually sentences you to probation.