
I recall an anecdote from John Mellencamp. When he was a teenager the record label tried to market him as ‘Johnny Cougar’. His career was handed to a horrible little man who tried to take over his life and cast his career in a campy homoerotic light. When Mellencamp fought back his handler petulantly spat at him “I

Yeh, I kind’a think that Grammys are a bit corrupt, myself. But that doesn’t mean if they weren’t that you’d get an award. An uncorrupted Grammys would probably be handing their awards to astounding obscure artists who have not had commercial record label success.

Two theories. 1) It was placed there as a piece of ‘concept art’ 34 years ago. Or 2) it was placed there as a piece of ‘concept art’ 3 weeks ago.

Trebek was Jeopardy and Jeopardy was Trebek. Still, Ken Jennings is a brilliant bit of casting.

I’ll never forget that 2003 movie where he played the brain damaged father of a porn star.

Now playing

A reminder, four years before Rudy was ‘America’s mayor’ (a term I firmly believe he made up, himself) he was that crazy dude who went on a long rage filled radio rant about ferrets.

At this point the definition of ‘liberal’ or ‘left’ has become “Not criminally insane”. Lets recall a couple years ago the right calling Orrin Hatch a ‘socialist’.

Everybody gets old. 55 was the age that I started to transition from ‘middle aged handsome’ (in my own mind) to ‘old dude’ (in my own mind).

That video clip looked like an old Ben Stiller Show lampoon of cheesy TV cop shows.

Is this endorsement a step up or step down from Lil Pump (who Trump called ‘little Pimp’)?

Fun fact, the first true novel ever written, ‘the Tale of Genji’, written 1200 years ago, had something in common with Lolita. The hero adopts a small child into his household then raises her until age 12, where he takes her as his wife then rapes her. And that’s not the only rape scene in the novel. Genji had a

I’d say Nabokov was a writer more akin to Turgenev rather than Tolstoy. Tolstoy was didactic while Turgenev was sentimental, depicting people as having great flaws and being all the more human for it.

Well, Juliet was purported to be about fourteen, if memory serves. 

What the movies overlook (the one’s I’ve seen, anyway) is what a remarkably unreliable narrator Humbert Humbert is. The movies often take the narrator’s descriptions and interpretation at face value while the book makes clear that he’s swept up in his own delusions. The feeling and motivations he ascribes to his victim

There is?

Jane Smiley’s 2005 book ‘13 Ways of Looking At The Novel’ ranked Gatsby as the least deserving of the canon of modern American literature. In her review of the novel she said the author elaborately introduces new characters then does nothing with them. No character growth, only a few short scenes each. It was a novel

Somebody’s apparently in need of money and is following the Steve Snider plan of rereleasing old movies that originally got panned with the promise that “Its better now - REALLY!”

And considering the nature of autism, the chance that they would really be offended by Ziegler getting that acting gig is really pretty low.

The topic is transitioning away from trans persons per se and it is moving on to the wider topic of ‘activist bullying’ which has become so abusive that its becoming counterproductive to their respective causes. This Barstani article in particular is an example.

I saw a GIF that said ‘if you agree to sign a Coronavirus waiver in order to attend a rally claiming Coronavirus is fake you’re a special kind of stupid.’