Kristie Allie, Tim Allen, Donald Trump. I’m formulating a theory that doing too much blow when you’re young gives you right winger brain when you’re old
Kristie Allie, Tim Allen, Donald Trump. I’m formulating a theory that doing too much blow when you’re young gives you right winger brain when you’re old
Mandalorian demonstrates why people still love ‘Firefly’, another space cowboy series that had all the sympathetic character development that this series lacks. The Star Wars films after the first two come across as extended action figure commercials.
‘The Walking Dead’ is like ‘Game of Thrones’ in that all people seemed to do about the back half of the series run is complain about how the story’s falling apart.
Pushing for a ‘false equivalence’ is a display of terminal brainlessness. Democrats will be ‘equivalent’ to Republicans only after they’ve set up torture camps and ripped suckling infants from their mother’s breasts in a ploy to terrorize an entire community.
Hmmm... I’m not sure. I think they’re talking about any cold cut that you don’t cook before eating. Happily fried bologna in butter is one of life’s great pleasures.
Cured meats = cancer. I recall reading that quite awhile ago. A friend claimed he’s safe because he only eats a package of supermarket bratwurst once a week. I had to inform him that’s a LOT.
Look up the 2015 CW series ‘Containment’ which was itself based on the Belgian series ‘Cordon’. That series is deeply ironic in 2020 because, in hindsight, the ‘evil government’ in the story is doing exactly what needed to be done to keep from infecting the entire country. I doubt the CW producers could have possibly …
Y’know, I want to say fuck Trey Parker. He’s played a major role in promoting brainless ‘fuck everything’ nihilism to this country for 23 years. South Park had been part of the ‘hip ironic bigotry’ wave at the start of the millennium. Comics thought they could shame bigots by mirroring their beliefs back at them. All…
I watch foreign series where characters in crime dramas regularly get sent to prison for 3, 6, 9 years for the most heinous crimes. Maybe a serial killer will get life in prison. Nobody -and I mean nobody - get sentenced to 120 years. And certainly not for a crime where nobody died. This Raniere guy may deserved to…
I’ve been visiting too many British websites. I read the start of the article “While Microsoft and Sony compete...” and thought “shouldn’t that word be ‘Whilst’?”
I can imagine Mrs. West talking to her mom. “You had it lucky. Your husband was only secretly transgender and sleeping with your best friend. I should be so lucky.”
George Clooney is a sentimentalist. Which isn’t bad in itself but its got to be balanced out with a bit of self-aware humor (which Clooney was famous for early in his career). My favorite ‘earnest’ films started out at least partially humorous then the mood changed in the second act. If you’re already earnest, serious…
What’s a moon knight? Let me look it up... Oh, its a cheap Batman knockoff that I’ve never heard of despite being a big Marvel comics reader when he was first introduced.
Why did you feel the need to include ‘white’ in your critique? I watch a lot of Asian TV. Tales of the unctuous power-elites are common. One podcaster derisively refers the those makjang stories as ‘rich people problems’ but does not call out the characters’ race.
Now age 60, Hugh Grant, by all rights, should have transitioned to proper ‘character roles’ a good decade ago.
Former Secretary of State Clinton (I assume that’s who you mean by ‘Hillary’) won the election by 3 million. Even after Russian military hackers hacked the vote count in 23 of 50 states. And that was after 25 solid years of malicious disinformation spewing from right wing news outlets about her. America has a history…
Delete delete delete.
They aren’t so much killing the show as the show is dying and they’re coincidentally starting with political skits.
This series premiered three months after the premiere of “Sex and the City”. That was that start of the ‘trainwreck heroine’ genre where poor life choices got lauded as ‘self-actualization’. Felicity, though, seemed pretty well grounded compared to others in the genre. ‘Felicity’ wasn’t ‘Girls’. I didn’t watch much of…