
This is a tiny story but its another brick in the wall, along with Jerry Falwell Junior photographed with his pants unzipped, and reports of him liking to watch his sex predator wife bang Miami pool boys. Decent people are fed up with the fringe right wing’s hypocritical sanctimonious moralizing.

She doesn’t care about anything.

One odd thing. Milanija Knavs was said to be a ‘fashion model’ before marrying. How come in four years not one old photo of ‘fashion model Melanija’ has surfaced? Was she or wasn’t she a fashion model? And if she wasn’t what was she that she was illegally working in the US on a tourist visa that she had to keep

Americans are out of practice watching confections like this. We’ve been buried for years under so much hipster snark, irony, and even despair in our romantic comedies. For a few years now I’ve been a watcher of K-dramas, which is ‘rom-com confection central’. Watching this stuff is not just an acquired taste, it’s a

The sanctimonious right wing (especially Fox News) has talked-up the so-called ‘war on Christmas’ as a way of ‘virtue signalling’ their own superiority. So this is a VERY big story indeed. This is bigger than catching Covid-19. This is the Trump family spitting on Jesus Christ himself.

This is the very first post you post to this site? Are you an employee of ‘Internet Research Agency’ in Moscow?

Covid-19 has a 2 week incubation period where you might not even realize you’ve got it. Then KAPOW!

In the aliens promised a hotel deal on their home planet in they were just permitted to invade we’d be screwed.

This happened right after there was a news report quoting the first lady literally saying ‘Fuck Christmas’. The conspiracy theory that this is a ploy to garner sympathy won’t wash because those monsters don’t understand the concept of ‘sympathy’ to begin with.

1996. Plenty of jingoism to go around in this film but it was a pleasantly ‘egalitarian’ kind of jingoism. This movie was certainly far more palatable than those dark, humorless fascistic superhero slogs that were to follow. Compare ‘Independence Day’ to ‘Joker. Which of the two films most caused to to despair for

To put this in context, I just checked the most recent numbers. Two hundred and eight thousand Covid-19 deaths in the US alone, That’s eight thousand more than when they announced the 200k milestone just a couple days ago.

Note this is the very first post this person has ever posted to this forum. And it has the word ‘conspiracy’ in it.

Maybe the election is voided and the Speaker of the House automatically becomes president. 

What’s especially interesting is the sudden surge of random pro-Trump disinformation flooding news discussion forums. You see, 2am east coast time is 9am Moscow time. A bright new work day for ‘Internet Research Agency’, the Kremlin troll farm.

Now playing

Basically they spent 300 million in an attempt to reproduce Bobby McFerrin’s song ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’. “Landlord said your rent is late; he may have to litigate; Don’t worry, be happy” How apt for 2020.

There’s a TV series that’s just started from Korea named “Zombie Detective”. Its about one of the walking dead who uses skin care products to disguise himself and somehow gets a job as a private eye.

When The Walking Dead first appeared a decade ago I saw it as a pretty obvious allegory for Iraq war-related PTSD paranoia. Heavily armed Americans behind a fence with a hostile world surrounding them. Welcome to Mosul! Now I don’t know what its an allegory for.

Standard zombie apocalypse gear: sweat pants and flip-flops.

More conservatives seem to be calling to end the debates than liberals. One theory is that Trump made it so *deliberately toxic* that there would be calls to cancel the others.

You’re assuming this is still a functioning democracy, which it stopped being on the day the Kremlin hacked the vote count in 23 out of 50 states in 2016, and the GOP actively worked to suppress voter turnout in the other 27.