
A lot of these streaming sites seem to be basing their business model solely on ‘FOMO’. “Let’s dangle Picard, the Mandalorian or the Zack Snider cut of XYZ in front of the fans and watch them jump at the bait. The fans won’t be able to say no, even if we’re giving them crap.

Its just a fcking superhero movie! And not even one of the popular ones! This is on par with getting the Slater cut of the 2015 Fantastic Four movie.

They don’t call ‘em ‘deplorables’ for nothin’.

Ah, another series I’m never never going to see, unless clips show up on Youtube.

Philbin was famous long before his 1988 daytime show. 20 years earlier he notoriously quit the Joey Bishop Show on live television. A stunt that years later was revealed to have all been a hoax to steal ratings from The Tonight Show.

The problem with ‘performative feminism’in social media is the emphasis is usually on the performance, or the garnered attention. Its egotistical. The ‘feminist’ aspect is merely a plug-in cause celebre to use to get attention. Next week it could be ‘performative humanism’ or performative nationalism’ or ‘performative

Militarized domestic police forces have lost their luster as a topic now that they’ve taken to kidnapping middle-aged women off the street who are protesting police brutality.

Y’know, I kind’a like romantic comedies. But I swear Hollywood doesn’t know how to do ‘em right. Asking Hollywood to do ‘romance’ is like asking Trump to do ‘empathy’.

I rank this film among the worst of Anthony Hopkins’ performances, even below his 1978 film ‘Magic’ where he played a nutty ventriloquist. I could never understand the appeal of this film.

Yeh, I though calling this Arnold’s ‘apex as an actor’ was damning with faint praise.

I recall Linda Hamilton once commenting that everybody mentions Schwarzenneger’s muscles but nobody mentions how ripped she got for that role.

Now playing

Someone recently did a ‘psycho-meets-psycho’ series and it was a hoot. ‘Psychopath Diaries’ involved an office schlub who loses his memory and somehow convinces himself he must be a psycho killer in disguise. Then a real psycho killer meets him and get a man-crush on him because he thinks they’re kindred spirits.

So THAT’s what Trump was referring to when he mentioned Person Woman Man Camera TV!

I don’t know how it is currently, but it used to be Pentagon info on PTSD would always talk about soldiers being messed up from having ‘witnessed’ something. They would never talk of soldier being messed up for having ‘DONE’ something.

It looks... charming.

The Washington Trumps.

I work for a company that’s currently formulating a name for a new product. Its hard, its DAMNED hard. Its absurdly, humorously hard. Imagine the employees at Dunder Mifflin brainstorming a new product name and you will get the idea.

Big Brother: Pandemic edition

Person Woman Man Camera TV. Pass it on.

I’m a reminded of a description someone once gave of Newt Gingrich. “Newt is what dumb people think intellectuals sound like”. C. Nolan’s work is ‘mildly thought provoking’ without burdening the viewer with actual ideas to think about. You watch his works, put you hand to your chin and think “Hmmm...” but you’re not